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BronzeHeart92 OP t1_jbdxq5a wrote

Why so? Lemme guess, you've got a serious beef with them or something?


[deleted] t1_jbdyyqd wrote


A volunteer position of power is bound to attract individuals who just want power. You don't need to have a beef with them to acknowledge the fact that thousands of people complain that rules are applied arbitrarily.

I get that there are thousands of subs and that hiring staff for each one of them would be impossible. But the bigger subs should be moderated by Reddit employees.

Moderation is time-consuming, mentally exhausting and only a person who's not doing well IRL would accept these massive cons for the small dopamine rush of "being in charge", whatever the fuck that means.


BronzeHeart92 OP t1_jbdzgxo wrote

I see. Well, it is true that the power of a mod should always be used in a responsible manner. And therefore one shouldn't be a mod in first place if they're willing to abuse that power. The option to temp ban someone exists and thus it should ALWAYS be preferable to use that in lieu of perma banning hapless users on the spot for arbitrary reasons.
