altmorty OP t1_jbf3w49 wrote
jenksy t1_jbf5a6j wrote
...and so it continues.
QuestionableAI t1_jbf5f11 wrote
I have the names of several hot shot exceptionally capable attorneys that I can give her. In fact, I think I'll contact her agent and pass them along. Everyone who does shit like this needs to be sued into oblivion and then jailed for 10 years.
TheStreisandEffect t1_jbf5od7 wrote
This shit is happening all over Facebook and Instagram, and not just for sexual content. I’ve heard and seen ads with Elon Musk, Obama, Morgan Freeman… all of which were clearly AI generated. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s incredibly illegal to use someone’s likeness without permission to advertise. “Meta” knows this but continues to approve these ads because of money.
[deleted] t1_jbf7adj wrote
[deleted] t1_jbfeim5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jbfjc13 wrote
pseudo_sarcasm t1_jbg291d wrote
I am not here for this deepfake tech. It's too creepy and sinister for me. It's bad enough to use someone's image without their permission, but with that kind of content, it's downright evil.
onairmastering t1_jbh87sr wrote
You don't use ad blockers? I haven't seen an ad for a decade, I actually have to open an incognito window to see an ad.
ControlledShutdown t1_jbhel9x wrote
If everyone uses adblockers, websites will have to either counter them or charge everyone money to stay up.
BlackandBlue14 t1_jbhsom9 wrote
It’s insane that a company would allow people to profit from deepfakes. That said, this technology will become so pervasive that stopping it is akin to stopping the tide with a broom. We have enforce the law, but if you’re not used to the idea of fake videos existing of every famous person, ever - you better get used to it.
Toronto_Stud t1_jbhypwr wrote
Niche targeting someones uncle
[deleted] t1_jbirjz9 wrote
OrangeKeewee t1_jbjeeqr wrote
Old story. If you wanna see what people do with deepfakes, just go to 4chan. There's always a few threads up for that topic.
What's even worse imo, at least when it comes to potential ramifications for pretty much any modern society, is ai voice fakes. There are some extremely believable voice fakes out there, and that's only the stuff some dude on 4chan makes. Imagine what professional studios could do with that.
We are headed straight into a gloomy new age with this shit.
iceleel t1_jbl7qvb wrote
Technology is boring but deepfakes are funny as hell
iceleel t1_jbl83rp wrote
You know you can allow in most browsers to use adblocker as well?
onairmastering t1_jbl8c2a wrote
I don't know what you mean. I use adblock everywhere.
Now, if you're saying that I can allow adblock on Incognito... sometimes I wanna see the World Burn (;
nicuramar t1_jbuypyp wrote
How is that related to the points being made? It’s like if someone said “TV programs these days are bad” and you reply that you don’t own a TV or something.
onairmastering t1_jbxunfd wrote
That is the stupidest thing I've read today.
New-Consideration566 t1_jbf1vfg wrote
I'm sorry what? Can I get an explanation?