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jonhuang t1_jdei9d4 wrote

Sure, but it's not believable that tiktok's user base is 80% kids and 20% folks over 90 years old. There's going to be a normal distribution curve and the mean and median will be close together in this case.


SomethingMatter t1_jdem7hi wrote

Why would there be a normal distribution curve? The tail on the right goes much further than the tail on the left which tells us that the curve is likely to skew right. That would make the median lower than the mean.


rogerflog t1_jdf8yi8 wrote

True you are correct, no normal distribution curve here. Standard normal curve occurs with many natural phenomenon. Intentional actions don’t have to follow a standard normal curve, and usually don’t.

For instance, the speed limit on the interstate by me is 75mph. It’s just my subjective measurement but I’m guessing at least twice as many people are driving 85mph than those that are driving 65mph. Human beings have intentional behavior, so this is just one of many instances that doesn’t follow a standard normal curve.