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lightknight7777 t1_jdqh9e8 wrote

Tech that reads the mind is very interesting. I don't think general public scanning is possible or likely, but I imagine the early tech to allow you to use your brain to control things like your phone and stuff will be the first risk point for corporate abuse.

It's a very exciting future if the tech continues to develop. Not having to touch devices will be very useful and interesting in the future.


the_red_scimitar t1_jdqxxsn wrote

Why don't you think it's possible? Are you aware that right now, the location and position of every person in a room that has wifi can be detected externally, as one example? This isn't the tech to scan brains (maybe), but it's an example of how extreme we can go.


lightknight7777 t1_jdrquuy wrote

Because absolutely all of our tech requires wearable or implanted devices. Location is world's apart from articulate thought reading.

The strength of waves able to detect thoughts from a distance would be insanely powerful and potentially deadly, but there's simply no tech being reported on that doesn't have devices on the head.

Anyone is free to educate me if I'm missing something out there on this.


Geeky-resonance t1_jdsvpjh wrote

Tech doesn’t necessarily have to read brain waves in order to violate the privacy of our minds.

Haven’t we already read about facial recognition cameras with processing algorithms fast enough to “read” micro-expressions? A quick search brought up technical discussions as well as commercial products going back several years.

If equipment and image processing software can be refined to that level, our private emotions will no longer be private while we are in range of cameras.


lightknight7777 t1_jdswrfk wrote

Ah, we're talking about broadcasting information and not obtaining it? Anyone would be justified to physically defend themselves from such a thing.


abx99 t1_jdse3h8 wrote

All they really have to do is make the tech collect and report that information, and get everyone to wear it just as much as they do with their phones now. It wouldn't be exactly the same, but with some cultural manipulation they could get it pretty damn close.