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Deathbeddit t1_je7c9jh wrote

Hey, that reaction you saw, make sure you go to the activity panel to get rid of the notice alert! -MS Teams for some reason.


KhellianTrelnora t1_je7dj2n wrote

Google’s messaging strategy is strangely worse.

I feel like that takes effort.


open_door_policy t1_je7hj20 wrote

Every time there's a new Teams update, I'm weirdly impressed.

It takes real talent, dedication, and effort to keep up their track record of making it very slightly worse with every single update.


Scott4370 t1_je7j5km wrote

Nothing is a bigger impediment to teams communicating than Teams.


frakkintoaster t1_je7jes6 wrote

I find Teams somewhat decent for our corporate chat and meetings environment. The recordings and automated transcripts are neat. Search and history sucks though, I can never property go back in time in a conversation, it always just loads the one message my search matched and won't load in anything else around it.


thingandstuff t1_je7nxtv wrote

Well, they know that Teams will be the last thing on your taskbar… that much is certain.


mrdlive t1_je7oe79 wrote

I don't get the hate on Teams, it serves its purpose decently. Far better than that bs zoom.


BNeutral t1_je7pf3e wrote

All they had to do was keep MSN messenger alive. But noooo, they couldn't


ayayyayayay765 t1_je7vakv wrote

The people who can’t make the transition from Skype to teams drives me nuts. Team is okay but Skype business is dog shit


nmgzzptswjmlsasgjtsw t1_je7vffu wrote

In terms of tools that work essentially forces us to use Teams isn't actually all that bad and they've made a lot of progress since the time when Zoom became mainstream and pretty much every competing video chat was embarrassingly antiquated in comparison. Although frankly it's kind of sad it took Microsoft so longto up their game when they've owned Skype since 2011. If they had properly grown out Skype since they took ownership Zoom wouldn't be a Nasdaq listed company at this point.


kizzbizz t1_je7ymv4 wrote

> I can never property go back in time in a conversation, it always just loads the one message my search matched and won’t load in anything else around it.

This is by far my biggest gripe and the thing that makes the least sense that it’s be this way for so long. Conceptually it makes sense, it’s obviously easy to build since basically every other messaging app does message search this way. MSFT went out of their way to hobble their premier corporate chat tool for no good reason other than to bother users.

Maybe they will make message search show conversational context for Teams Premium subscribers (yes, that’s now a thing…)


Good_Focus2665 t1_je871rv wrote

I have to restart my laptop so that teams will get on the internet every morning for stand up. So annoying.


ericneo3 t1_je8akug wrote

Microsoft would have been so much better off opening up Teams features to the public rather than locking it down for additional price tiers.

If they made Teams the standard messaging, calling and calendar app people would be pushing their workplaces other paid Microsoft products that integrate with it and expand functionality. Instead they've made Teams an only for work app and made it so even if people wanted to use it for home use the home app doesn't provide the same functionality that the business app provides.


yignko t1_je8i6p1 wrote

Teams is much better than it used to be. Yeah it's a resource hog and some of its features are odd (like the notifications for reactions) but on the whole I actually quite like it. I remember back when you could only have one window at a time and when you couldn't pop out content--those additions have been great. Overall, 7.5/10. Its deficiencies are greatly exaggerated.


Dan_m_31 t1_je8mc19 wrote

I so wish I could move the notification pop-ups in any other spot


ETH_Knight t1_je8mz52 wrote

Teams was great during covid. I am military and our meetings happened on teams during 2020. Skype is a relic of the past now. Especially since messenger signal whatsapp instagram snapchat and others have become more important. But for work MS Teams does what it needs to. I dont know if the commercial team is different than military. We use a dod version I guess?


Aygis t1_je8nybl wrote

Clicked on an image that someone wants to discuss with you? Well fuck you, I won't default to opening that in a new tab which would allow you to reply while also viewing the image!

Also in a massive enterprise, you scrolled 8 pixels so now wait 30 seconds while shit that was there a moment ago loads again.



voodoovan t1_je8oesm wrote

Don't forget Microsoft Meet.

Microsoft is doing a Google with meeting apps.


Dracius t1_je8r46t wrote

> I dont know if the commercial team is different than military. We use a dod version I guess?

Government accounts have either G3 or G5 licenses for o365, so it's possible there are slight differences due to the added restrictions.


Remarkable_Flow_4779 t1_je8stu8 wrote

Microsoft is the Christianity of the IT world… sucks to work with it at all.


souvlaki_ t1_je90myn wrote

I somewhat agree. I think it's better than other corporate chat/video tools i've used before. But it's has some serious issues: it's slow and its search sucks, as does its notification system.


TheWhyOfFry t1_je95uxf wrote

Teams is a decent zoom replacement. It’s a bad slack replacement but corporate loves to penny pinch and use it for both.

Outlook / teams is terrible for managing large meetings. I can’t tell you how many events that I get invited to or forwarded an invite only for the host to change something and me not get the invite update. Here I am on the totally wrong day waiting for a meeting that isn’t happening. It’s infuriating. Google calendar / meet never had this issue.


LloydAtkinson t1_je974gn wrote

Been using Teams since early 2020 and honestly other than perf being weird (not exactly slow, but occasionally just going weird) I've never really had any major issues with it. Everyone says how good Slack is (really?) and then says they need to do /zoom in Slack to start a call or something?

Teams is very integrated.


Time-Opportunity-436 t1_je9rtfi wrote

At least they don't launch new apps every few months just to be able to kill them


pcans802 t1_je9u5eo wrote

Sure MSFT does. Wait for someone to create something popular, clone it, then bundle it windows subscription.

Works every time.


Kirilanselo t1_je9ucag wrote

Teams has a lot of bells and whistles I gotta admit, some quite nice quality of life options. However the amount of RAM it devours is astonishing... it chokes lower end laptops, like some old versions of Skype did. It's buggy though it often breaks and you have to uninstall it and clear the %appdata% and often, this doesn't even help...

As for Skype the MSStore version lately was doing pretty light on RAM hogging. Which is surprising... Skype does dark mode far better than Teams. Five or so years ago I installed a Skype instance on Linux I was amazed on how well it was doing. Now I'm using it on windows... 3 devices... it sucks most of the time.

If I had a choice I wouldn't use both... alas. I'd opt for telegram or something but good luck, getting your contacts on other messengers -_-


HotFightingHistory t1_je9vnlb wrote

Now they are pushing Teams as a does-it-all VoIP solution, even for call centers. Can't even imagine trying to implement that....


mizmoxiev t1_jea099j wrote

Someone with vision has to be in charge of it. Real vision. You can't just throw billions of dollars at something and thousands of intelligent hard working personnel, and then "bam it works" major LOL

And if you have something that previously innovated a space, you can't just throw billions of more dollars at it and expect it to re-enovate that same space by doing what would be the scale equivalent of the bare minimm in that particular situation.

How incredibly short sighted.

Adobe did the same thing, when they tried to buy canva and canva said no, so then canva announced a full Suite of new tools at their annual Creator Summit last year and Adobe freaked out and put in a 20(B)illion dollar offer to buy Figma (which wasn't for sale and doesn't need adobe fucking it up, but here we are)

You have to *really* innovate, every time. Or, you'll end up a bored AF with a (T)rillion Dollar valuation while living in a prison of analysis paralysis.


TbonerT t1_jea644s wrote

My work blocked Teams and Channels. Now I have chat notifications covering up the actual chat. Why would I even need a notification for what I'm currently looking at, or to be more precise, what I'm trying to look at behind all the notifications.


m4c_4ddr3ss t1_jea80qt wrote

Teams is a fucking joke. Terrible software.


KnackBrewster t1_jec7owg wrote

They’re awful. I’d rather AOL windows all over the place.