Frymewitheggs t1_iuhdedy wrote
Reply to comment by Cilantbro in New York could become first state with a ‘Right to Repair’ law for electronic devices by thinkB4WeSpeak
I note he left for completely unrelated reasons to his work advocating for Right to Repair. There were too many problems with his Work in New York but Taxes, Regulation Enforcment and Theft/Vandalism are to new a few.
[deleted] t1_iuhr8xn wrote
Frymewitheggs t1_iuhre50 wrote
> fair share in taxes
If you knew anything about Rossman's position and belief on what his Taxes (which he does pay contrary to your comment) go towards, you wouldn't have posted a willfully ignorant position like a total dick.
prob_wont_respond t1_iui0a9i wrote
Look at you not knowing what you're talking about
ButtonholePhotophile t1_iui4uol wrote
His issue is that he received a fine and was unable to contest the fine due to bureaucracy. He showed some of his hours and hours long struggles. He asked his audience if they had sway to get him ahold of the governmental equivalent of customer service. He did everything.
Also, it was a bogus fine imo.
pepolpla t1_iuiuoob wrote
Not at all, if you live in New York City what are your taxes actually going towards? The transit system is dysfunctional, the regulatory agencies are dysfunctional to the point people are getting fined for licenses and permits they cant actually renew because paper work either gets lost or the response or renew license arrived far after the period in which you are supposed to have it so that you get fined anyway.
HeavensCriedBlood t1_iuibv3u wrote
You can't be serious.
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