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[deleted] t1_itqgqlg wrote



DarthBuzzard t1_itqmce3 wrote

The tech is hardly failing. It's a growing industry.

The metaverse? Well that remains to be seen since it doesn't exist yet.


tinyhorsesinmytea t1_its3ydv wrote

I think a very compelling metaverse will eventually be a reality but it clearly isn’t going to happen with this Wii Sports looking shit Meta is currently demonstrating.


DarthBuzzard t1_its5uof wrote

That's my point really. The Wii Sports stuff Meta is demonstrating has nothing to do with the metaverse. That's just Horizon Worlds, a first party application.

The metaverse would be a global network to be built over the next 5 years.


tinyhorsesinmytea t1_itsa22l wrote

And a lot of people aren't aware of the amazing technology Meta and other companies are prototyping right now. What happens when photorealistic avatars combine with eye tracking, accurate facial expressions, and environmental scanning that all make social teleportation possible? Feeling like you can hang out with friends and family that are thousands of miles away like they are right next to you in your living room will be universally appealing. How about when AI can create amazing worlds to explore?

I've always believed in the future of VR/AR and the Metaverse but I think it's going to be awhile and I really hope it isn't controlled by a single company but is open like the internet.


TotalCharcoal t1_ittcftw wrote

It might encourage you to know that meta is a founding member of the open metaverse forum; a non-profit industry group whose mission is to define the standards of an open metaverse.