Submitted by Vailhem t3_y8wxsf in technology
Thediciplematt t1_it290mj wrote
Now I can criticized and ridiculed for my life choices from the grave.
On the flipside, I get to do the same when I die.
HanaBothWays t1_it2a21m wrote
This is how it worked in that Black Mirror episode. I wonder if you can prevent it in your will!
CxOrillion t1_it2avr7 wrote
Wake the fuck up, Samurai
brettgt40 t1_it2b8qf wrote
I know on Facebook, if you've died, you can have it set up so your profile and everything is deleted. I set mine up that way, should be in the settings iirc
rg4rg t1_it2cbez wrote
“Grandpa says to kill Adam Smasher again and again, but I still don’t know what he’s talking about. I just say I did and he’s happy and content for a while.”
SuperSassyPantz t1_it2ct94 wrote
like i want my mom nagging me from the grave. hard pass.
HanaBothWays t1_it2d0f1 wrote
You can also change it to a memorial page. I remember when there was a big fuss over what would happen to people’s social media feeds (especially Facebook) after they died. My mom told me it’s my job to lock her Facebook page after she passes.
regreening t1_it2dith wrote
Deepfake version of a relative creates deepfake relationship that helps you kid yourself that your fake ‘closure’ has healed your real weeping soul. Sounds about right for the instagram / tiktok generation. If your Dad was, say a bully or a violent drunk or a gaslighter is the AI going to either know this or fake apologise? A more realistic fake Dad would continue to deny and bully you into being gaslighted. Neither of these is going to be healthy. The ethical issues with this are off the chart.
mikerichh t1_it2dolv wrote
Mike is….bored lol
Terrible_Use7872 t1_it2ebmr wrote
We've had the Ouija for how long?
RnDanger t1_it2ek1k wrote
Tired: AI impersonating dead people
Wired: AI assisted social engineering hacks
TheMoorNextDoor t1_it2ex2u wrote
Black Mirror
AnApexBread t1_it2ey4w wrote
Wasn't there a Black Mirror episode about this exact topic?
paradax2 t1_it2fgve wrote
Why bring generation into it?
nrfmartin t1_it2g21v wrote
There was money IN the banana stand!
Sember225 t1_it2gsl7 wrote
If you read the article the company had several hours worth of voice recordings from interviews.
LongjumpingMiddle850 t1_it2h0i6 wrote
That’s what I was gonna comment lol
mistermalc t1_it2h3f2 wrote
This is mentioned in the article
dparks71 t1_it2hap5 wrote
I'm just going to create a script that deletes my feed and replaces it with a bunch of logical fallacies, links to malware and strings to delete tables in various database systems. Fuck their AI, they failed to agree to MY terms and conditions.
regreening t1_it2hbbv wrote
I may be tired.
acidrain69 t1_it2hfr1 wrote
“Speak to an AI that tries to match words patterns”. FTFY
cricket9818 t1_it2ihup wrote
Hard pass. My sister is dead, and that’s the way it is. Anything else is fake
regreening t1_it2imrl wrote
I fear for anyone who spends too long in alternative reality or who erects an entirely false narrative about themselves for the purposes of social acceptance within social media. There is something deeply philosophical in the topic of is reality real anyway, but I’m not a philosopher or a physicist. Anyways the ethical side of things is to me the most worrying. Generation probably was the wrong word. And I’m tired.
LongWalk86 t1_it2iotf wrote
So headlines that are a complete and total lie are cool in this sub now? What a joke.
QueenOfQuok t1_it2iyv3 wrote
I can do that already. The conversation is pretty one-sided though.
Stentata t1_it2izb1 wrote
Like this?
Salarian_American t1_it2j0r0 wrote
This doesn't seem like a constructive or healthy addition to the grieving process.
Slapnuts213 t1_it2jhng wrote
If I could speak to my deceased daughter hell yeah but I’m gonna go with DOUBT on this one Alex
CatchingRays t1_it2k03m wrote
Probably because naturally one generation will be dying off at a greater rate and the other is growing up in tech. The better question might be; Why would you slight gen Z with the comment, "sounds about right for the instagram / tiktok generation."? Don't you realize you've turned into your grandparents who complained about your atari/nintendo/star wars generation?
IMHO though, I think both generations were kinda right. For decades our focus on what's cool and fun have distracted us from civic and personal financial matters that have allowed corporate America to thrive at the expense of our people. We 'respected our elders' and they screwed us. But I'm just a grumpy ol fuddy duddy.
just_looking_aroun t1_it2l4ms wrote
All fun and games until they put in the data of the racist uncle
xCTRLxALTxDELx t1_it2l7hf wrote
Ouija board does that. Only problem is identity theft is even an issue in the afterlife so make sure to encrypt a pass phrase with loved ones to verify.
TeaKingMac t1_it2ls1a wrote
Forget speaking to my dead relatives, will it let me talk to my exes without the embarrassment of actually talking to my exes?
TeaKingMac t1_it2m2jg wrote
Can it sext? Realistically?
AE_WILLIAMS t1_it2m8dk wrote
Mister_Weiss t1_it2mrly wrote
Another Black Mirror episode comes to life
HanaBothWays t1_it2nss0 wrote
> Wired: AI assisted social engineering hacks
“Phishing as a service” has recently become a thing so if this does not already exist in some form I bet it will soon.
HanaBothWays t1_it2o68w wrote
Back off I made that comment first.
(LOL J/K it’s fine.)
No_Antelope_6604 t1_it2pf76 wrote
I spoke to mine quite enough when they were alive, thank you.
gill_flubberson t1_it2q9v7 wrote
“It scans their social media”
My AI: Boy do I love anime titty.
My mom: Son?
My AI: honkin badonkins
CajuNerd t1_it2tp3x wrote
Everyone mentioning Black Mirror, but The Orville, and even further back Star Trek: TNG, did this, albeit with a holodeck. They were constantly bringing in dead people, using what was known about them from history, and in the case of Orville the social media and text messages of a long dead woman, and extrapolating their personality.
Ya-Dikobraz t1_it37rig wrote
At least put the word "speak" in quotation marks, FFS.
assault_shakr t1_it3i6y6 wrote
How much clearer can I say "there's always money in the banana stand"
Wills4291 t1_it3xoyf wrote
No. You should definitely log in to wish people a happy birthday and then be like "I don't know how that happened. It must be a message from beyond".
SpotifyIsBroken t1_it3xzsp wrote
No. It hasn't. Reported for disinformation.
HanaBothWays t1_it3y4fw wrote
Mom only uses the page to keep up with other old geezers, none of her kids who she would wish happy birthday to are on Facebook LOL
Wills4291 t1_it3yb30 wrote
Oh that's a bummer. Maybe have her add them.
might-be-your-daddy t1_it4wbry wrote
Not sure what I just watched. But I watched it. And I am bett..., wors..., uh, yeah. I love my wife. She is very pretty. Looks aren't everything.
myredditlogintoo t1_it8b3sm wrote
It is absolutely not a lie. You can speak to dead people. Just don't expect a response.
Bacon4EVER t1_it8g39u wrote
There's nothing misleading about this headline, or the article.
Also, if my dead Mom's voice-likeness doesn't drip with passive aggressiveness, it won't be believable.
RnDanger t1_it8khmc wrote
I don't think we need tech for that but sure 🙃
HanaBothWays t1_it28b8i wrote
Wasn’t there a Black Mirror episode about this?