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sassmo t1_itlovs4 wrote

I've already posted this on another version of this story, but I started receiving emails from a Republican in Denver, addressed to a man named Dale, which is not me. I unsubscribed, and the following day I started getting emails from Republicans all over the nation seeking donations. They all got clicked on spam.. maybe if Republicans weren't spammy motherfuckers they wouldn't get assigned to the spam bin.


Shavethatmonkey t1_itlvl3g wrote

Republicans seem to sue to force people to carry their content that people don't want to carry.


reddit-MT t1_itm8tu9 wrote

They would rather sue Google than understand how technology works.

  • How many recipients marked the email as spam?
  • Did the recipients opt-in to this email? if not, it's spam.
  • Did they properly process opt-out requests?

Bruh_dawg t1_itmjmvf wrote

These guys are the biggest crybaby snowflake any inconvenience is regardless as an affront. Simps


Trazzster t1_itmozhx wrote

From the party that brought you "Terms of Service are tyranny" comes "Spam filters are a conspiracy against us!"


SeriouslyImNotADuck t1_ito49oh wrote

>Republicans have long accused big tech companies of discriminating against conservative views and suppressing free speech

I love how Americans (mainly Republicans in my experience but also Democrats) rally behind the Constitution but never seem to understand it. The fact that so many believe that “free speech” can’t be stifled by anyone — not just the government — really amazes me.


Serious_Ad4950 t1_ito8z8y wrote

Please stop electing these fucking worthless sacks of shit.


Moddelba t1_itohyw3 wrote

Well this tears it. Going after social security and Medicare is one thing, dismantling democracy to make a reality show host as dictator is another, but if they try to make me get more junk e-mail so help me god they will never get my vote.


purple_hamster66 t1_itq73il wrote

It seems like the GOP lacks the digital infrastructure to implement viable email campaigns:

“Reached for comment, Google declined to address the specifics of the RNC’s claims but framed the anti-spam program as both limited and preliminary. “Eligible committees that will comply with strict security requirements and best practice standards can now register to participate in this pilot program approved by the Federal Election Commission,” said Google spokesperson José Castañeda in a statement on Thursday. “We expect to begin the pilot with a small number of campaigns from both parties and will test whether these changes improve the user experience, and provide more certainty for senders during this election period.”

Notably, in the initial terms of the program, Google said it would remove any participant whose emails are consistently flagged as spam 5 percent of the time. Participating groups are also required to meet certain security and bulk sender best practice standards. If the RNC believed it couldn’t meet those standards, it might explain why the committee decided not to apply.”


Trazzster t1_itqys4d wrote

>You’d have to be a fool or a homer to not think google has a left wing bias.

Thanks for proving my point. Google is literally a megacorporation, how exactly do they have a "left-wing bias" just because right-wingers are deliberately breaking the rules?

Annnnnd he deleted the comment, lol