Submitted by geoxol t3_yiglkx in technology
AzulMage2020 t1_iuinbnc wrote
10th article about this . Sure hope Ron Perlman isn't busy.
Pingaring t1_iuio9gf wrote
You and your children, will have been dead for centuries before this asteroid closes our orbit.
Also might be worth noting this "planet killer" is said to be 1km in diameter. Which with appropriate kinetic force is equivalent to about 1k Tsar Bomba detonations. Or enough potential energy to destroy the entirety of NYC up to Newburg and down into Hamilton Township. Environmental impact would be devastating but I wouldn't call this an extinction level event.
When these news articles start using phases like "Chicxulub" and "in our life time" then it's time to start opening the good wine.
WhirlyBirdPilotBlue t1_iuiolpv wrote
Speak for yourself weakling!
thislife_choseme t1_iuip637 wrote
Don’t look up!
Rod_SerlingNarration t1_iuiq23o wrote
Picture if you will - an interplanetary game of hide-and-seek. A high stakes cavalcade of calamity on a collision course with destruction.
Tonight we’ll witness what happens when the sun’s beams only serve to illuminate obfuscation.
Close your eyes and count down from 100 - because the game is about to begin in…The Twilight Zone.
Equal_Ad_9977 t1_iuir0cy wrote
Oh that’s just fucking great!
JablesMcgoo t1_iuir2hf wrote
"No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and my high level income, it's not crazy to think I can live to be 245, maybe 300."
-Ricky Bobby
- Elon Musk (probably)
curleywind511 t1_iuirizg wrote
Finally some good news
lowaltflier t1_iuirqqs wrote
Damn! Beat me to it.
900pumpchump t1_iuis63r wrote
Good things bill gates is gonna spray the sky to block out the sun, then we won’t be able to see anything so we won’t have to worry about it
oilfeather t1_iuis9d7 wrote
Marco Inaros approves.
dbhathcock t1_iuisdpt wrote
If it is hiding, does that mean the asteroid is actually alive?
Justme100001 t1_iuisvtu wrote
As if Halloween is not scary enough. Can't this wait untill Christmas ?
NeverFresh t1_iuit2fn wrote
I'm just hoping to get out of this year.
JackWasabe t1_iuitvjq wrote
Good thing we already developed a counter measure.
apollo_316 t1_iuiu7p6 wrote
Username checks out. And well done!
LegitimateGift1792 t1_iuiulzi wrote
Nice. Would also give points for a reference to Centauri mass drivers from the conquest of the Narn.
[deleted] t1_iuiumtu wrote
KitchenNazi t1_iuiuq69 wrote
That's why I always look at the sun with my telescope at night. No glare!
oilfeather t1_iuiuxcp wrote
SHHHH! The Vorlons might hear!
Helliarc t1_iuiuzoq wrote
It's not entirely unrealistic to think that the oldest living human is alive today.
Sam-HobbitOfTheShire t1_iuiv20o wrote
Promises, promises.
semimillennial t1_iuivbny wrote
Yeah I don’t even have kids
LegitimateGift1792 t1_iuivhps wrote
LOL. Both instances show how easy it is to attach a foreign world and makes me laugh when Sci Fi shows aliens who travelled across the galaxy to get waster their time landing and taking us on head to head. They could easily sit out in the asteroid belt and push rocks at us. But that would make a very short movie.
StelioKontos117 t1_iuivjg0 wrote
“I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.” CEO Nwabudike Morgan
gaybraham-lincoln t1_iuivu7r wrote
Yeah this was always the reason when NASA suddenly out of left field had a random interest in adjusting the course of asteroids
anjanathrex t1_iuivxbi wrote
It is...Chris Traegar!
severedfinger t1_iuiwb6u wrote
I for one welcome the jobs the asteroid will bring.
JamesTheMannequin t1_iuiwi5d wrote
But why not tomorrow? /sigh
aecarol1 t1_iuiwon0 wrote
This is a serious issue. Not this specific asteroid in our lifetimes, but the idea that there are orbits that are mostly sunward and are hard to see asteroids in. It's a bit of a blind-spot from the vantage point of the Earth.
There was a mission planned a while back that would orbit the sun inside the orbit of Venus and look outward for Earth crossing asteroids. The idea was that being closer to the sun, most of the interesting asteroids would be well illuminated and easier to spot. I have no idea the status of this mission or if it's going to eventually fly.
When looking at the same asteroids from Earth, they are close enough to the sun that they are hard to see.
tl;dr asteroids that spend a lot of time close to the sun are hard to discover because of solar glare. Putting a probe closer to the sun looking "outward" may help find more of them.
tlm94 t1_iuiwz1v wrote
Wow, I got goosebumps reading that in his voice.
rantottcsirke t1_iuiwzum wrote
Marco Inaros started his attack.
doge4life81 t1_iuix2c5 wrote
Well I'll be dipped in shit. Probably a hot fudge sundae, but on a Tuesday!
talonredwing t1_iuix7ib wrote
Note how they did the test first and THEN told everyone of the potentially lethal asteroid
EveniAstrid t1_iuixd0q wrote
You know what? At this point let's just let it crash. Those who have the means will be able to escape it and those of us who don't will be happy to be rid of the misery.
KerouacsGirlfriend t1_iuixkhg wrote
Why they keep teasing us with “potential” planet killers. Do it already, space. DOOOO EEEET.
FindMeOnSSBotanyBay t1_iuixwin wrote
Shadowmant t1_iuiy8m5 wrote
If they were really serious they’d hire professional drillers.
Gregoriel9 t1_iuiypx7 wrote
Either that, the asteroid is closer than we thought, or advancements in medical technology accelerate to the point of biologically immortalizing humanity within a few decades.
Yttrical t1_iuiz3uq wrote
It’s well know fact that NASA knows jack about drilling.
Majesty1985 t1_iuizzj4 wrote
All of the sudden
NormalSociety t1_iuj0s0u wrote
Dogs can't look up, did you know that?
katharsisdesign t1_iuj167t wrote
Maybe we can be proactive to future generations for once instead of assuming we'd be dead by then anyway.
rashnull t1_iuj2l4j wrote
Good to know! Can’t wait to be done with this shithole planet and move on to the next plane!
Your_Daddy_ t1_iuj3bgs wrote
Aw shit - Planet 9!
My brother isn't crazy after all!
Pingaring t1_iuj5ptq wrote
While that sentiment is healthy to have, it wouldn't apply to this scenario. The current stage logistics make it virtually impossible to carry out such a mission. Especially one that would be measured in centuries, forcing future scientists to have to interface with technology 150+ years outdated, obsolete, and defunct.
BruceBanning t1_iuj6dsu wrote
Oh thanks I was having a hard time languaging too
Majesty1985 t1_iuj7dv6 wrote
DENelson83 t1_iuj7f8a wrote
It might be easier to spot such asteroids with an IR telescope at Sun-Earth L₄.
[deleted] t1_iuj7sz2 wrote
GooglyIce t1_iuja8xn wrote
If I’m getting this right we would be wise to send a survey probe up to the one that’s potentially harmful and if we can’t seem to detect if there’s any minerals or elements on it worth harvesting and if matching its’ orbit is even an option, the next thing to do would be to either mine it or collide with it to push it off course. At the very least before Kessler syndrome kicks in and locking ourselves out of near-earth orbital access. Until then, another wake up call to remind us that we need to be mindful of what’s out there.
TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_iujao4g wrote
“I want to see it all.” - Ed Mercer
Kowno t1_iujd9ni wrote
Beltalowda gon make the innas pay!
plaidravioli t1_iujec6r wrote
We’re all gonna die!!! Eventually.
jsgnextortex t1_iujeoff wrote
Honestly, I could live forever if I wanted to, but Im just lazy, I swear.
acidrain69 t1_iujg5qb wrote
We are being proactive. NASA just tested DART. That’s being proactive. It’s going to be up to future generations to improve on or maintain that level of preparedness.
Ok-Worker5125 t1_iuji28z wrote
Now we are about to be killed by a asteroid that read miyamoto musashis book… great
DaMuller t1_iuji5np wrote
Honestly, for me it isn't so much death but old age that scares me. 20 years of prime is just not enough.
timothybrooks7 t1_iujixcu wrote
I don’t want to close my eyes……
FriendlyDisorder t1_iujj2jm wrote
So, make it a drinking game? I'm in!
YouandWhoseArmy t1_iujj3ax wrote
Many people think impacts are more common than we are lead to believe. (Thinks 10s of thousand of years instead of millions)
PhoenixReborn t1_iujjasc wrote
Based on their observations, this won't be a threat for a couple thousand years, not 200.
katharsisdesign t1_iujk4co wrote
Didn't we essentially just shoot a rocket called dart at an asteroid to hit it off the trajectory. It doesn't seem to fall inside your realm of logic of there's no point. You have no scope on what things have a point or how much money and time we waste on things that have less of a point. There can be non human life on earth that we save. Or it could be cavemen again. Who knows. But it's happened before and will again. The dinosaurs got rinsed, and every religion mentions a flood that erased civilizations clean out of history. Unless something else hits it off its original trajectory after we've launched at it and has no navigation targeting system but still. It seems like a better sentiment to make any form of effort for my potential great great great great great great grandkids or a new breed of dinosaur idfk
Alan_Smithee_ t1_iujli8a wrote
We are blind to virtually all of the asteroids coming from the sun’s direction, which is why we need a space-based detection network.
Alan_Smithee_ t1_iujlv41 wrote
What are you talking about??
DART was proof of concept. There wouldn’t be any old technology employed. Given enough advance warning, new interception devices would be built.
Having said that, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have designs and some advance hardware at the ready.
Alan_Smithee_ t1_iujm4c8 wrote
Nicely done.
Alan_Smithee_ t1_iujm9pc wrote
Easy there, Marcos Inaros.
darkknight32 t1_iujmsu6 wrote
Ayyyyyy Newburgh.
Neverending_Rain t1_iujobfl wrote
There is no current sign of it being on a collision course with Earth. In a few centuries there's a chance it'll be a risk to the planet. It's quite possible that it won't be a threat in the future at all. Trying to change its trajectory now would be pointless. We're already working on ways of diverting asteroids such as the DART mission. There's no need to do anything other than continue that research.
Craptcha t1_iujoewt wrote
Went to Chixculub, didn’t see any crater. Fake news.
[deleted] t1_iujonj4 wrote
Abalone_Gonads t1_iujpile wrote
I love that we’re hearing about this from a gadget blog, instead of The Space Force and NASA. It’s like reading about the Ukraine war in Better Homes and Gardens or Southern Living.
morallyirresponsible t1_iujqdhq wrote
Don’t look up!
[deleted] t1_iujru2d wrote
James-VanderGeek t1_iujt3wx wrote
Are you pulling a Jack Handy? That statement has been true since the beginning of humanity.
theoneronin t1_iujunfh wrote
“The sun was in my eye, Coach.”
MoreNormalThanNormal t1_iujvnyp wrote
I remember that plan, and I wish we had funded it.
IAMSTILLHERE2020 t1_iujyqcr wrote
"Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"
Sgt Major Dan Daly, USMC...tossing and turning on his grave.
steveg t1_iuk1ils wrote
These nerds need to bring in a rag tag group of attractive misfits if they want any chance of doing this.
Mister_Weiss t1_iuk1rvw wrote
Unless you live in the impact zone
LeNightSkye t1_iuk1xb2 wrote
The Burgh getting some attention lol
TrevorPace t1_iuk1z87 wrote
sandman8223 t1_iuk2gs1 wrote
The dinosaurs thought they had time and look what happened
[deleted] t1_iuk4k3z wrote
Scary_Princess t1_iuk4kqd wrote
I think you can get a lot more than 20 years of prime particularly if you take good care of yourself. Even if you don’t take good care of yourself genetics can be kind.
I work in healthcare I see plenty of 50 year olds that there prime ended somewhere in there late 30’s early 40’s I also see plenty of 60/70 year olds who can be argued to still be in there prime. I know a 60 year old surgeon who still runs ultra marathons (50+ km).
Still I understand your sentiment death isn’t what scares me either but the feebleness and pain of old age.
Kithsander t1_iuk6nwn wrote
Meh. I’m good. If y’all want to pull this thing over and let me out that’d be swell.
Uristqwerty t1_iuk8e35 wrote
Sadly, the planet will live on. It turns out geocide is a very tricky business, as the last serious attempt wasn't nearly powerful enough to overcome gravity, and the ol' hunk of iron merely gained a new moon from the ordeal rather than joining Pluto in the no-longer-a-planet club.
consciuoslydone t1_iukapf6 wrote
Is it part of the Taurids meteors?
TheMuffStufff t1_iukbaiu wrote
Thanks for the NY reference. Def put it into perspective lol
[deleted] t1_iuij92d wrote