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Akul_Tesla t1_itfndho wrote

That's because very directly they've sort of already solved them now it's up to the people to build the infrastructure

Legitimately at our current tech level we know how to build sufficient geothermal power plants to power the entire world and use that with vertical farming to feed the entire world I could keep going

Very directly we have the technology to solve all of our existing problems

Ground pollution hypercumulators

Pfas chemicals and plastic pollution we have fungus that eat them and break them down

Geothermal powered desalinization would solve that problem

It's also worth noting we could also do this with nuclear power geothermals just the better long-term option

There's also several entire industries we could fully automate if we put our minds to it with our current tech level

The Moley kitchen combined with a few others for serving and cleaning could replace the entire restaurant industry

The truth is automated cars are already better than the average person as is a lot of the other automated vehicles and we absolutely have stuff that can unload them

All the tech we need for post scarcity basically exists

However it's a matter of getting It built which well it does have a long-term payoff it has a very high starting price

Geothermal has the lowest maintenance cost for example but the highest starting price of any power generation

Currently food grown in vertical farms call several times as much as food grown elsewhere

But that's the thing once we set all this up we're golden

The tech we need to solve All our problems exists (okay I lied we don't have medicine completely solved yet but outside of that)


the_grungydan t1_itg9bod wrote

Salient points. It's not the tech or even really resources holding us back. It's power (the desire to attain and retain), greed, and tribalism.