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[deleted] t1_itcdmx8 wrote

It’s because capitalism drives them. Rather investments in them. This is how we get boner pills and baldness treatments and insulin is thousands a month. Tech and science are slaves to the dollar.


Joshynogood t1_itchutr wrote

Wait… making capitalists richer isn’t the most urgent problem for the capitalists that control science tech and innovation! Bullshit!


DiscordantMuse t1_itcji1o wrote

You mean the people making the decisions with those things, and the system in which they operate under?

You don't blame the tool for the tool users deeds.


TurtleHermit360 t1_itcjlhj wrote

Yeah because it's stagnated by corporate cronyism too afraid of competition so the buy out any ideas and companies worth a damn and bury all the innovative secrets in the basement because they don't want to hurt investments and dividends so they play the same old game over and over.


vedyzal t1_itclrn3 wrote

that's not just science or technology, my sweet child. that's how this entire world operates


TheRoadsMustRoll t1_itcml3b wrote

>technology and innovation research is not focused on the world’s most pressing problems including taking climate action

i distinctly recall over the past several decades that scientists told us that the climate was warming and they had studies and warned that it would be bad.

everybody said, "fuck you."

i also remember being warned by scientists that the new corona virus was coming and it was going to be bad.

everybody said, "it's just the flu. fuck you"

then, when it looked like millions of people would die, we all said, "oh shit, we need a vaccine!"

then the scientific community broke records putting together a new vaccine in several month's time. i don't recall any awards ceremonies over this. no nobel prize. no medals of honor for saving our stupid asses.

a good deal of the population took the vaccine but a sizeable minority wanted to roast dr. fauci alive and our on-the-ground medical staff experienced the worst days of their careers.

now we want science to "address our most urgent issues."

science: "fuck you"


whaddahellisthis t1_itcpqao wrote

Well, that’s why they’re still our most urgent problems. If science & technology were adequately addressing them, they wouldn’t be urgent.


[deleted] t1_itctld5 wrote

Agreed. Used to. The public university system and extended research labs did the work and it was public domain right? That system was systematically killed off in large part to privatize it, by the two parties who control our government policies. Watch the changes over the last 40 years or so.


BytecodeBollhav t1_itd1ecg wrote

I just skimmed the article, but the way I see is that the world's #1 biggest problem is that the powerful people in charge don't listen to science...


DrB00 t1_itdajys wrote

Sure isn't... but we've found out how to give old people elections so clearly thats a W for mankind.


857477457 t1_itemkju wrote

The last 100 years have seen by far the greatest improvement in the standard of living than any other. Average human lifespan has increased by DECADES and extreme poverty has gobe from bring the norm to being nearly completely eradicated. All the facts point to a massive triumph of science over the problems humanity is facing.


[deleted] t1_itf1kca wrote

What I’m trying to point out is the vast majority of the science and tech are focused on what can make money more that what can we do to fix x.

The company who sells insulin raised the prices to maximize profit. Insurance industry had nothing to do with their choice to raise the price. Proper regulatory control would not allow this.


kimmeljs t1_itf4rei wrote

Marylou Jepsen said in a keynote some 25 years ago: "The three P's of engineering are peace, poverty, and pollution." I would add a 4th P, population, which is the root cause of them all.


charmingbagel t1_itfj20b wrote

Science and technology innovation is basically warfare innovation. This is exactly what first world countries do because this is what makes money. The people of those countries support it to the fullest.


Akul_Tesla t1_itfndho wrote

That's because very directly they've sort of already solved them now it's up to the people to build the infrastructure

Legitimately at our current tech level we know how to build sufficient geothermal power plants to power the entire world and use that with vertical farming to feed the entire world I could keep going

Very directly we have the technology to solve all of our existing problems

Ground pollution hypercumulators

Pfas chemicals and plastic pollution we have fungus that eat them and break them down

Geothermal powered desalinization would solve that problem

It's also worth noting we could also do this with nuclear power geothermals just the better long-term option

There's also several entire industries we could fully automate if we put our minds to it with our current tech level

The Moley kitchen combined with a few others for serving and cleaning could replace the entire restaurant industry

The truth is automated cars are already better than the average person as is a lot of the other automated vehicles and we absolutely have stuff that can unload them

All the tech we need for post scarcity basically exists

However it's a matter of getting It built which well it does have a long-term payoff it has a very high starting price

Geothermal has the lowest maintenance cost for example but the highest starting price of any power generation

Currently food grown in vertical farms call several times as much as food grown elsewhere

But that's the thing once we set all this up we're golden

The tech we need to solve All our problems exists (okay I lied we don't have medicine completely solved yet but outside of that)