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willworkforicecream t1_isoo34k wrote

I'm at least 50% willing to chalk this up to Comcast's general incompetence with the bonus side effect of being malicious.


Shamewizard1995 t1_isoto79 wrote

Their workers cut a marked cable and the owner came out, explained the situation and markings to them, and started repairs. While he was repairing it, those Comcast workers cut 8 more marked cables across his network


kalasea2001 t1_isoqmk8 wrote

Once, maybe. But there's a rich history of monopoly cable companies sabotaging their 'competitors'


The420shortbus t1_isowpei wrote

I used to work for Time Warner(before it was Spectrum) and I can't tell you how many calls I got from a competitor in our area(Cincinnati Bell at the time) saying our techs cut their lines. It's insane how often this occurs.


dungone t1_isr61bs wrote

Never attribute to incompetence that which is adequately explained by greed.