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SwallowYourDreams t1_itlijz7 wrote

True. Wireless charging is pretty inefficient and would be a truly stupid decision at a point where the world needs to cut its use of energy wherever it can, not increase it.


wag3slav3 t1_itlykpv wrote

Apple is known to be super petty tho. I give it a 50/50 shot that they move even further from usbc across the board and go wireless just to spite the EU.


wizardstrikes2 t1_itn9l7y wrote

Nobody owns electricity and restricting electricity is stupid and propaganda.

The only places experiencing a “man made energy crisis” are the stupid countries that aren’t implementing generation III+ nuclear.

No human has the right to tell another person how to use electricity. Nobody owns it and it isn’t a resource.

The world needs to double/triple electricity usage….
