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wizardstrikes2 t1_itno41b wrote

Solar isn’t free.

The source is common sense. Your city should provide you with however much you need or can afford of near zero carbon electricity.

Electricity is a fundamental human right. It isn’t something that can be controlled and dictated on proper use by Karen’s or governments


DanielPhermous t1_itntfv2 wrote

> Solar isn’t free.

It finished paying for itself two years ago.

>The source is common sense.

Ah, so no scientific source for your purported scientific claim.

>Electricity is a fundamental human right.

Sounds like you're just inventing bullshit on the fly now. Do you have a source for this one? Because I have several that contradict you.


wizardstrikes2 t1_itnu6q6 wrote

I promise electricity is a secondary energy source. Calling it a resource is FUD.

Also bullshit on your 2 year ROI on solar lol. Is food a fundamental right? Well unless you are heavily tax subsidized by your neighbors taxes). How about freedom of speech?

You don’t need a link, common sense should tell you near zero carbon electricity is a fundamental right for every human on earth.

Though the United Nations is garbage, they have a good starting elementary list of 30. Most credible people would say minimum 50. UN isn’t smart though


DanielPhermous t1_itnvbnz wrote

>I promise electricity is a secondary energy source. Calling it a resource is FUD.

There are quite a few problems with that.

One: Your source doesn't say it's not a resource. It only says it is a secondary energy source. There is nothing to say those terms are mutually exclusive.

Two: Secondary energy sources include petroleum. Are you arguing that petroleum is not a resource?

Three: I asked for a source that electricity cannot be wasted. That is the core argument here. Do you have one or not?

> Also bullshit on your 2 year ROI on solar lol.

I didn't say it took two years. I said it finished two years ago. Judging by your tactics so far, I would expect that is a deliberate misinterpretation so you can avoid the uncomfortable point that you have no answer for: that my electricity is currently free.

>You don’t need a link, common sense should...

You say that a lot. For the record, I agree it should be. However, I don't agree that it is.

So: Source?


wizardstrikes2 t1_itor39d wrote

Here let me explain the difference. Secondary energy source means a usable energy source, the energy potential of which arises as a by-product of energy conversion and end consumption upon release from resources. Natural resources are materials or substances such as minerals, oil, heavy metals like uranium, wood, water, that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. It is apparent you didn’t know the difference.

Saying wasting electricity is intellectually disingenuous. If you don’t know why at this point can’t help ya


DanielPhermous t1_itosmf6 wrote

>If you don’t know why at this point can’t help ya

Yes, clearly you are having quite the difficulty finding a source to back up your claims. Weird. You would expect scientific topics would be better documented.


wizardstrikes2 t1_itoswan wrote

I claimed that electricity is a second energy source and not a resource. Again if you can’t figure out the difference, even when given the definition, you don’t get it heheh.

Electricity isn’t a resource lol, you can’t waste it. You can either use it or not use it.


DanielPhermous t1_itot5ox wrote

Huh. Still no sources. I'm going to shut down inbox replies now. You may get in the last word if you like, but I will not be notified and will not return to read it.