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happyscrappy t1_itodh0h wrote

Making bald accusations like that does nothing.

I related my experiences. You related yours.

I've never had a problem with a Lightning connector losing a single contact.

Apple cables shredding their insulation? Sure. I don't use Apple's C to Lightning cables much because of that (and the cost).


HerbHurtHoover t1_itoe4u2 wrote

No, I'm relaying the general truth that the cables fall apart with a stuff breeze. You are trying to muddy the waters for some dumb reason.

And its ALL lightning cables. Apple owns the patent and won't license it to anyone that would actually make a long lasting product.

USB-C is license free. Meaning actual competition makes the cables better.


happyscrappy t1_itoeqy6 wrote

> No, I'm relaying the general truth that the cables fall apart with a stuff breeze. You are trying to muddy the waters for some dumb reason.

No. You are relating your experiences. I am relating mine.

You suggest that you had multiple pins fall out of Lightning cable connectors. I indicate I have had none.

There's no difference here. You are not the arbiter of truth, nor do you have a platform from which to make any kind of serious shill accusation from nor claims that I am "muddying" anything.

> And its ALL lightning cables. Apple owns the patent and won't license it to anyone that would actually make a long lasting product.

Nonsense. I get most of my cables from Anker. They last longer than Apple's, insulation-wise. And as I said, I've never had a problem with the connector itself so that's no different.

> USB-C is license free. Meaning actual competition makes the cables better.

Not sure what this has to do with anything other than your fantasy about collusion to make bad cables.


HerbHurtHoover t1_itpx0id wrote

Jesus christ, give it a rest. You aren't fooling anyone. Its common knowledge that they fall apart. This weird gaslighting shtick is just sad.


happyscrappy t1_itqm5ag wrote

This isn't a case of you speaking the God's truth and me lying.

We are both relating our experiences.

You suggest that you had multiple pins fall out of Lightning cable connectors. I indicate I have had none. I've never had a problem with the connector itself on any Lightning cable. And I've been using them since the last iPod Nano (the first one that used Lightning).


HerbHurtHoover t1_itqmpj5 wrote

The fact you have to keep claiming im relaying only my experiences, which i am not, says all anyone needs to know about you. Pathetic.