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dontpet t1_iu63n7q wrote

Reddit seems to fall into a different camp from what I can tell. There are subs that are pretty hairy but they seem more like a ghetto than a haven for hatred.


unresolved_m t1_iu6472k wrote

Reddit seem to have some strange bots/shills. I remember getting a lot of negative comments while talking about cops and minorities going missing.


HotpieTargaryen t1_iu67ojx wrote

The moderator system encourages misinformation and hate in many subs and there is no real oversight.


cleuseau t1_iu68yxn wrote

This is BS. They ban subs all the time. This is Musk pushing a narrative that YoU cAnT CoNtRoL ThE InTeRnEtS.

Yes they fail sometimes but it gets filtered. It is easy to filter. Do your F***ING job and filter the hate and disinformation Musk.


HotpieTargaryen t1_iu6avxs wrote

The reddit mod system is passing the buck and not taking responsibility. I do believe you can control for misinformation and hate on the internet, but not by giving control to random groups of anonymous people that squatted on a topic first and happen to be slightly more clever at promoting toxicity than the true sewage subs that gets banned. Twitter has no excuse.


grrrrreat t1_iu68vvf wrote

Still easy to game if you want to push an agenda


OcculusSniffed t1_iu6dess wrote

Reddit is primarily intended to be moderated by upvotes and down votes, which gives power to the users. Some subs are overrun but new ones spring up constantly and there's an interesting lifecycle there.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any site with an algorithm that moderates content seems to think that user interaction is a sign of worth. So any piece of wrong information that attracts a response, negative or positive, gets promoted. I see constant promoted ads of things that are blatantly incorrect or "tips" that just won't work, and they are flooded with comments about how they are bullshit. But that just pushed them further up the rankings.

Reddit isn't perfect, but it's a shit ton better than that.


snap-erection t1_iu6vug1 wrote

Reddit is designed more around classic forum websites, to me it feels more like the next iteration of that as opposed to going from one person's profile to the next. It's also more about the content itself and not about the user.


HotpieTargaryen t1_iu67gof wrote

Yeah, but it’s the unmonitored sub/moderator system that allows this garbage to continue. r/politics mods have rules in place to protect political troll accounts and ban anyone that calls them out and there is zero oversight. Reddit isn’t better, it just hides the ball better.


verasev t1_iu68c6k wrote

I just got banned from there because I told one of those trolls they were full of shit after they said folks in r/politics were all college-educated pussies who never do any real work like blue-collar GED graduates do.


DarkDeSantis t1_iu64hfl wrote

Half of reddit has been banned, both from a user and sub stand point, it falls into the exact same camp. Censorship directly leads to bigotry and hate. Without checks and balances we are all doomed to extremism.


dontpet t1_iu65otg wrote

I'm so for keeping disinformation off of social media. The devil is always on the details but there is objective truth out there and dishonest malevolent actors and we are all better off pushing it back at various levels.


NaturalNines t1_iu66ocd wrote

Problem is that's such a subjective standard. And reddit moderators are known for being of their own ideological slant.

If "disinformation" is defined as "I disagree" or "I'm more skeptical because I disagree, thus I'll enforce a higher standard" is toxic and shuts down the conversation. This creates a bubble that helps to radicalize and further creates disinformation by only presenting limited information.


bluekittydaemon t1_iu79929 wrote

As long as we're talking about fact checking as a part of moderating and not "we have to let white supremacists talk for ten minutes bc you got ten minutes".


NaturalNines t1_iu8j1gy wrote

As long as we're talking about actual white supremacists and not "I disagree so you're a white supremacist".

Goes both ways.


smitbret t1_iu6acir wrote

I see you're getting downvotes for being open minded.

Wouldn't be Reddit if it was any other way


NaturalNines t1_iu6b3sr wrote

According to upvotes I'm an incredibly nice person on every different subreddit... until politics. Then I'm an irredeemable asshole because I disagree.

And these radicals think that's convincing.


Marsdor t1_iu6d539 wrote

It's why I don't even post on political subs, just a bunch of doomsayers with no idea how to help things out.


NaturalNines t1_iu6efee wrote

I have very recently learned that lesson. I tried asking questions, just simple questions. They respond with such hostility I eventually would give a "You're a nutjob" response and BAM. Banned permanently. I'd even request why, pointing out that it took constant aggression that they ignored for me to finally insult back. And I got another insult from a mod, calling me a child and asking me why the rules don't apply to me while ignoring the rest. I check out that sub later? Nothing but constant violations of what they banned me for.

Social media is not for disagreement or free thought anymore. The lunatics took control of the asylum for now.


Marsdor t1_iu6fg0g wrote

Makes me miss the early 2000s where people could disagree and not be labeled some ist or phobe, people could actually debate and change others perspectives.. nowadays that seems a distant reality in our current socio landscape.


NaturalNines t1_iu6g0dx wrote

I mean.... there were problems then. I'm not sure I appreciate having been able to stumble across execution videos and other such horrible shit when I was a teenager.

But debate? Different story, haha. Yes, definitely prefer being able to have discussions. Voice an opinion, wrong or right, it got corrected, we all called each other every name but didn't care, free speech is great.

Bunch of crazy disinformation! Like remember how everyone heard that Marilon Manson removed a rib to be able to suck his own dick? Fucking crazy! Oh well.


Marsdor t1_iu6gcui wrote

Yeah it was a little on the rough side and I'm glad we can filter the extreme unwanted content out but yeah we're definitely missing something from then that worked better than the current thing we have now.


_ilovemen t1_iu81n56 wrote

It’s called being young lol. You’ve just gotten older and now notice way more stuff.


Practical_Law_7002 t1_iu661vc wrote

I'd argue it's actually different because of the upvote/downvote system and seeing comment history and such since we collectively as users can weed out trolls easier than say Facebook.