opelit t1_iujz4iy wrote
They don't. The whole circus for media is crazy tbh
No to mention that Media covers mostly everything related to CoD. While the whole battle is about Mobile market as ActiBlizz is 52% mobile gaming. The rest 48% is combined Console/PC, merchs (like toys, gadgets etc), and other revenues.
Mr_Piddles t1_iujzgzj wrote
Call of Duty makes infinite money. It’s the 4th highest selling franchise of all time. They’d be insane to lock it out of Playststion’s user base.
not_a_droid t1_iuk26ah wrote
It’s a little bothersome that my son cares about this. He’s 14, and won’t play cod anymore because it is owned by microsoft
spencerdiniz t1_iuk2nlw wrote
I’d call it a win if your son decided to stop playing COD. 😂
BodegaDad t1_iuk3253 wrote
Removing COD from Playstation would be the stupidest business decision ever. Especially considering how fickle the COD fanbase is. Advanced Warfare and WWII sales are perfect examples.
Not to mention Warzone is one of the most popular battle royale games with a majority of its players on console, but specifically Playstation. Nuking most of their players and burning a massive chunk of revenue is a bad joke. 😂
lafindestase t1_iuk3o6n wrote
Call of Duty is a tiny portion of Microsoft’s revenue stream, sacrificing some of its sales could easily be deemed worth it to harm their main competitor in the gaming sector. Not insane at all.
lafindestase t1_iuk3zn9 wrote
Your kid is making any sort of personal sacrifice to boycott a corporation at age 14? Based.
Mr_Piddles t1_iuk45hb wrote
It would hurt Activision and in turn their stock. If they stop supporting PlayStation Call of Duty , it’ll likely happen in the next generation, when they have a chance at converting people.
JaponesBaiano t1_iuk54ld wrote
Maybe PS5 and Series X are going to be the last consoles.
theoneburger t1_iuk5rcj wrote
in support of another corporation, though. not sure that's better.
lordofpersia t1_iuk6dkf wrote
Xbox is cool these days. Moving on from exclusive and pushing for more and more cross play. Most Xbox exclusives are also on PC. Sony had fought them on cross play for years before they finally gave in for some games.
Xbox definitely learned from the disastrous DRM policies that destroyed the Xbox one launch a decade ago. Phil Spencer changed everything. I just wish he was more firm with the dumpster fire that is 343i. My favorite game series. The series I grew up with. The series that is supposed to be the flagship Xbox game is sinking
ernyc3777 t1_iuk7bbq wrote
I would have thought that before Game Pass became so profitable. Xbox will have a Series S type console available even if Sonys gaming division somehow went under to reach the market of people who just want to plug and play games for cheap.
I hope we never get to that point. Sony and Microsoft make each other better by competition
lordofpersia t1_iuk7cvf wrote
Nah I remember being a dumb teenager. Thinking the console wars were important. How you view it as this huge rivalry. I was a hardcore Xbox fan boy and hated anything Sony as a teen. These were the glory days of Xbox 360 and Halo 3
You eventually grow up and realize how stupid it is. I'm sure this guy's son will as well. When he grows up and most likely buys a Microsoft gaming PC.
RayGun_zyz t1_iuk7nyb wrote
I think due to the competition between sony and microsoft, they will keep making them until consoles as a concept entirely fail. and even then microsoft is the only company who can afford to take some 10 year hit in hopes they monopolize the market. If this round fails then sure this may happen, but i have many friends who saved 700 bucks by buying a console instead of a pc so far.
I got a pc during covid and although i play it about every day i still like having my ps5 to play on occasionally because well, it was pretty cheap considering the specs you are getting with it. And i know i'm going to have it for 10+ years as long as it doesn't break. People harp on 60 fps but imo 60 fps is perfectly fine for story games and i've even found myself to prefer optimized 60 fps vs. uncapped fps quite a lot on some games. Hell bloodborne alone is a great example of even 30 fucking fps still cannot ruin a great game. It's annoying for sure, but optimized right it is not nearly as bad as people talk about because they are thinking of unoptimized fps on their pc.
Conclusion: lower fps does not look good on pc gaming, but lower fps can look just fine on console gaming that is optimized for that lower fps rate. This along with the cheap price point to play next gen games, consoles are still more alive than ever. I can understand if you have some beast of a pc. But those of us buying used 590s just to play games on pc, we would like to still get a console.
spaceraingame t1_iuk7oqy wrote
Great, now do Elder Scrolls 6
[deleted] t1_iuk7tfx wrote
danrod17 t1_iuk88u7 wrote
Activision isn’t even going to have stock. That’s what happens when a company gets bought. Lol.
Geawiel t1_iuk8cn8 wrote
VR. I keep my PS5 mainly for VR. I don't have to go nuts to run a PCVR. PSVR 2 looking really good too. Wish there were more games, but I think that's just about around the corner. I'm already happy they're updating No Man's Sky.
RayGun_zyz t1_iuk8esq wrote
I would be concerned for your son's stupidity. That is some really idiotic thinking. LOL But hey, he is 14. Maybe he will grow out of it, which is much better than the 20+ year old thinking this way.
ekiander t1_iuk8oon wrote
It also costs an absurd amount of money to develop. It would not be financially feasible to lock it out of so many people.
not_a_droid t1_iuk8z2i wrote
Well, his main beef is with xbox, he got swept up into the console wars. Thinks ps is king, xbox trash. Won’t support Microsoft now. I tell him they are both fine machines
kache4korpses t1_iuk99cn wrote
Are you sure we don’t need a Microsoft Store for that?
Substance___P t1_iuk9an9 wrote
It's ok, brother. We do our best, but they have to make their own choices in life. We just try to guide them as best we can and help them up when they fall.
ICPosse8 t1_iuk9b91 wrote
As right as you are this same case could be made for every exclusive title ever. It’s super simple, more exposure = more sales
Why exclusivity deals or console specific games are even a thing with video games is beyond me.
5pr173_ t1_iukad42 wrote
No disrespect to you or how you parent because it's just how this generation is but I hate my generation.
Mr_Piddles t1_iukajfl wrote
I doubt it, consoles are easy mode for games. No fiddling with settings, you know that any game you get for an Xbox or PlayStation will run. It’s just too convenient for most people.
ad_tech89 t1_iukalsj wrote
Tell him he is lucky they just overturned roe v wade
Mr_Piddles t1_iukaxth wrote
Okay replace Activision with Microsoft. Because Activision not hitting their normal metrics is going to hurt the company.
danrod17 t1_iukb77e wrote
Barely. Microsoft bought this company with cash on hand. A single game or even all of the games from a single developer is barely going to be a blip on the radar for them. Plus, forcing consumers to their own eco system will be seen as a win, regardless of a lack of sales.
JackL_88 t1_iukbhpn wrote
Is Sony giving too much importance to itself or is it just me?
How in hell is Micro going to make Cob exclusive? If they bought it, it's because they will gain money with it.
"Oh, no, Microsoft is so bad, they are gonna take CoD away from you, gamers. We have to do something"
Exclusives are no that important anymore, because what matters is to make money, not have a name or something like that
Witty_Tomato666 t1_iukbkrn wrote
We were all pretty dumb at 14.
Java2391 t1_iukbx4f wrote
Phil spencer has already stated cod will stay on all platforms. The future of gaming IS cloud streaming. Games are barely existing in a physical state at all, most only have a minor amount of data on physical discs and are requiring you to download and install the whole thing on the console anyways. Digital and cloud IS the future and where everything is going. Stop being an ignorant dip and think long term. Fact is that microsoft wants gamepass on everything so they can make more money. they made 2.9 BILLION last year of gamepass, this proves not only is it viable, but that it is their primary focus. Console hardware is going to be pointless in the near future streaming games directly to tvs, laptops, phones, tablets, etc. gives you a whole lot more options and further cements streaming as the right move.
[deleted] t1_iujwac9 wrote