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cjmar41 t1_isp4bdf wrote

inserts first world problems meme but photoshops a monocle and top hat onto the woman


Infernalism t1_isp54fw wrote

What an idiot.

As if that'll stop them from tracking his movements.


SystemHands t1_isp6y65 wrote

We are gonna track him even harder now.


SpotifyIsBroken t1_ispk429 wrote

They never do these things for the right reasons. Just so people will let them be their sociopathic billionaire selves.


chalk46 t1_ispwi2e wrote

Too much air travel is bad for you anyways.. background radiation gets pretty bad the higher up you go.


nillerwafer t1_isq7183 wrote

He’s the second richest man in the world. You don’t get there and stay there without being absolutely batshit and doing some evil stuff. It comes with the territory of being that obscenely rich.


killall-q t1_isqaqdd wrote

>On the LVMH-owned podcast released Monday, Arnault admitted that the LVMH group “had a plane, and we sold it.” He added: “The result now is that no one can see where I go because I rent planes when I use private planes.”

He won't be emitting any less carbon.


Grannpappi t1_isqb27q wrote

Buy 2 jets. Fly them in the opposite direction. Problem solved. Lease planes and change them every 8-12 months. Problem solved.


bigmilker t1_isqbqkm wrote

To be fair this is how I would travel if I had the money….until then I hate that guy


HotdogsArePate t1_isqh9jc wrote

I wonder what the second poorest man is up to?


ShardtheFox t1_isr3b0z wrote

So you're telling us it's working?


Imaginary_Unit5109 t1_isr5i40 wrote

A smarter move for him is to borrow from other rich people jets when they are not using it.


vercertorix t1_isrba3b wrote

I bet he just hates any time he’s referred to as the “second richest man”.


ISnortBees t1_isrwn2l wrote

I have a theory that Manson was too f’ed in the head to really plan those murders and the family just knew that they could pin them on him because he’d be too incompetent to defend himself in court


ImUrFrand t1_iss390n wrote

right now he'll just lease some corporate jet and remain anonymous.


BobbertFandango t1_isslx0s wrote

Just because it sounds true or feels right doesn’t make it logically sound.

Wow -25. Lmao. There’s a lotta ppl butt hurt about their appropriate dislike of greedy assholes.

Listen, I agree that to be an ethical billionaire is a NEAR impossibility. But to say there are NONE. That’s flawed af. And I don’t give a rats ass if a bunch of overly-emotional simpletons on Reddit agree or not.


Whiskeywiskerbiscuit t1_issrqpc wrote

It’s fact buddy. The closest we have to ethical billionaires are musicians and athletes where their value is created directly be their own individual labor, but even then they sign brand deals with companies that operate on sweat shops and exploitative labor.


Whiskeywiskerbiscuit t1_issvy6i wrote

Who’s to say? I’d probably argue that a majority of athletes and musicians are ethically rich because their value is a direct result of their personal labor and talents. That goes out the window for a lot of athletes when they start signing brand deals with companies like Nike that use sweat shop labor. You’d really have to take it case by case, analyze what is making them their money and whether it’s dependent on exploitation at any point along the supply chain.

A large factor in the “no ethical billionaires” ideology is that purposely avoiding paying an equal share of taxes is inherently unethical, despite being legal and encouraged in our current system. Warren Buffett and the Waltons pay a lower actual tax rate than a McDonald’s drive through worker, despite their businesses depending on numerous public services like roads to transport their goods, GPS that runs their logistics, public schools that educate its workforce and so many others.


Whiskeywiskerbiscuit t1_issxcfu wrote

You’re being intentionally obtuse. People like you have a hard time grasping the concept of a spectrum. You take something with rolling variables and demand an exact, fixed metric with which to measure, when there simply isn’t one. The number at which people themselves become unethical is incredibly individualistic and is determined by their actions, not an arbitrary number they reach along the way to a billion.


GlockAF t1_isy1wjc wrote

Wrong. He stated in the article that he is just renting jets now, instead of flying one owned directly by his company.

Outfits like NetJets and other luxury aircraft rentals just add a layer of plausible deniability in between him and the flights


ArScrap t1_it0s4rm wrote

why would i care if he have plausible deniability or not, the bottomline is that there's less jet that are more used often. The jet fuel might amount to be the same but maintenance cost also release emission

I'm not here trying to defend billionaire, I'm here trying to celebrate all the small wins we can have, and push further. Just being cynical at any effort or concession won't actually help anyone