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ClammyHandedFreak t1_iu3m3j1 wrote

We need to stop bleeding so much methane into our atmosphere as well as take measures like this with fossil fuel vehicles. The measly amount of greenhouse gas excreted when I drive less than 8 miles for groceries every 2 weeks is nothing compared to what industry is pumping out night and day every second at a dizzying rate. Methane is many times worse of a greenhouse gas when compared at scale to what is coming out of our cars.


The_Countess t1_iu3npom wrote

While its true that methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas then CO2, it also breaks down in our atmosphere within 20 years so there is no accumulative effect.

The CO2 you emit during your groceries shopping trip in contrast stays in the carbon cycle for hundreds or even thousands of years, contributing to climate change that whole time.

Also, many people drive a lot more then 8 miles every 2 weeks. And if you're just driving 8 miles every 2 weeks anyway just keep your old gas car. This isn't a outright ban.

The bottom line however is that we need to do all the things. complaining one measure doesn't fix everything is a BS distraction.