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rickymourke82 t1_iu3teq2 wrote

By 2025 they’ll abandon the all EV course and say hybrid is the way to go. Because it is. If we go all EV, what happens in a deep freeze or hurricane type event when the power is out for several days? We know we are going to get more of these extreme weather events, we gonna really paint ourselves in a corner? Governments are the biggest problem. I wonder how much CO2 is released making movies and shows? Everybody gets on their favorite social media app to bitch about the climate while standing in line for their $8 coffee. Got the CO2 burned in the supply chain as well as the massive amount of diesel burned to build that tiny little building you get your daily fix from. It’s our spending habits we need to take the most drastic changes with. Hybrid vehicles take care of us at the individual level. That’s not where the most drastic changes are needed.


aintbroke_dontfixit t1_iuayy5o wrote

> If we go all EV, what happens in a deep freeze or hurricane type event when the power is out for several days?

The same as an ICE vehicle, once it runs out of fuel it ain't going anywhere. If the power is out for several days then the petrol station isn't going to have power to run the pumps to fuel your car. If the temperature is too low then fuel freezes, especially diesel.