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Grainis01 t1_iu3vm5r wrote

It will turn out poorly for anything east of germany.
Our countries are poorer(median wage is about 1/3rd of median german wage), and even second hand electrics are atleast 40-50% more expensive than same year combustion.
And i dont see this trend reversing.
I will fuck up personal mobility for poorer countries, and especially disabled people on govt assistance, a properly modified car is already a luxury for most of them, it will be worse.
EU has one big problem with sweeping things like that for environment they base their decisions on countries where consumer can absorb the extra cost without much stress, but for 1/3rd of the union those changes are catastrophic to people.
For example as part of our EU agreement our country was supposed to "liberalize the electricity supply market", we did that and now we pay a price for KWh that is 10% higher than germany while our wages are 1/3-1/2 of theirs.
Sweeping changes in EU while in general are a good idea, they often fuck over the little/poorer countires.