857477459 t1_isal510 wrote
If you can't get a job in this market with 3.5% unemployment then you probably aren't very good at your job to begin with.
FreezingRobot t1_isbdyq2 wrote
The article says she's a twenty-something who decided to take a couple months off to volunteer for a campaign after getting laid off. I've known a few tech folks in their twenties who take "breaks" to "find themselves" and they're all trust fund kids. A good chunk of them wandered off afterwards into some other field. I'm sure this one is no different.
thatfreshjive t1_isbiy07 wrote
You seem like the type of person who never takes vacation, and thinks they're better than colleagues who do.
bobby_briggs t1_isbbdui wrote
Where does it say anything about being unable to find a job?
CyberBot129 t1_isbpoaq wrote
3.5% unemployment is basically historical low unemployment rate. That type of rate hasn’t been seen since Nixon. A lot of economists consider “full employment” to be an unemployment rate of 5% or less
[deleted] t1_isapaiw wrote
Marduk112 t1_ise11nj wrote
The tech sector was hit particularly hard with layoffs lately because companies over hired last year.
[deleted] t1_isetax4 wrote
bitfriend6 t1_isb9y2z wrote
It's not that they can't get a job, it's that the work offered is so bad it's not worth it. Most people would prefer to be poor than subject themselves to crushing workloads, no time off, 24/7 availability and no reward for their work. It's especially bad in software as programmers are never credited for their work, will never see it's true application, and will never be able to appreciate what they've created.
857477459 t1_isbbfbx wrote
The only people who talk like that are the ones who have never actually been poor.
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