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Jaze_ca t1_irfh8cl wrote

I couldn't take a screen shot on an android to save my life. Not once has it ever worked!!


Girfex t1_irfk729 wrote

Honest question, are you missing fingers? I've only ever owned android devices, I've never failed to take a screenshot once.


esperind t1_irfoqyv wrote

everybody knows only apple products have screenshots, silly. Otherwise why would anyone pay a 500$ markup?


Girfex t1_irfpzgj wrote

I get it now!


c0smicshark t1_irfyhxa wrote

duh! andriods are only for poor people! and poor people are scary! /s (actually i have 0 idea what original commenter is talking abt because im always accidentally taking screen shots with the option that allows you to swipe your hand across the screen to take a shot???)


Deranged40 t1_irfljfm wrote

I'm pretty sure I could take a screenshot on my Pixel with my feet if I ever had to. It's really simple to do.


Girfex t1_irfpykr wrote

Pixel 6 Pro. I tried it just now, confirmed, I took a screenshot with my feet.