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VanillaElectrical331 t1_itcoeki wrote

I genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic...


businessboyz t1_itcp0jy wrote

I’m not. Technology doesn’t advance in straightforward ways. Discoveries are often arising out of work completely unrelated to the original set out goal.

When we sent humans to the moon, we invented a whole lot of technology from the resulting lessons that had absolutely nothing to do with space. I don’t see why there wouldn’t be potential for technological advancements to come out of this metaverse initiative that ultimately have nothing to do with Meta’s virtual world.


JAKSeattle t1_itgmduq wrote

One example off the top of my head: Velcro! Invented to stick stuff on the wall and keep things from flying around inside the space capsule. Now available at every fabric and hardware store in your neighborhood!