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bits_and_bytes t1_iugg17q wrote

Clickbait title, but very interesting article. Essentially, they're teaching quadriped robots to walk using machine learning instead of programming precise movements. They're finding that these quadruped robots are able to adapt to real world environments and learn to traverse appropriately in a fairly short amount of time with a decent success rate.

The title of this article, and the fact that it implies that robotic dogs will replace dogs, as in, you know... Living, breathing, slobbering, unconditional loving, good boys... Is ridiculous... But the research being done in the field of robotics is quite interesting.


onedoesnotjust t1_iugjo6v wrote

It is very cool and scary. This is the future of war.


jimbolikescr t1_iuh7gi5 wrote

Well, maybe 🤔. Seems to me, robots, once used, will have made humans obsolete on the battlefield. Humans will not be going to war like now. It won't be possible to compete with the a machine designed to kill you. Then it'll be robots on robots, which is just pointless. We've finally finished war! 🥳


beef-o-lipso t1_iuhn1pd wrote

Hah. The land still has to be taken and thst means involving people. War is here to stay, sadly. And war without killing is rugby.


jimbolikescr t1_iuhqemr wrote

They don't want the land. They want the people.


beef-o-lipso t1_iuhvn3j wrote

Quibble. My point stands.

It would be nice if a sideeffect of robot armies was an end to humans killing humans in war, but that is not likely to happen. The cost is too low.


mmarollo t1_iuiujec wrote

Lol! You sweet sweet naive soul.


jimbolikescr t1_iuiwg2i wrote

No, you're just playing a tired old part: doomsday spouting nay-sayer. In order for there to be war, people have to be willing and able to fight one. But most people these days aren't able, due to many societal reasons, to fight a war. If they start using robots to fight humans on a battlefield, you won't be able to dress it up in any way that you would get people to be willing either.


rSpinxr t1_iugmda1 wrote

The article is quite good, but it surprises me a bit that it's also nothing new.

Boston Dynamics back in 2012 was utilizing machine learning for quadrupedal robots over various terrain.