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ReformedPC t1_iuaxs0z wrote

We live in a complete different era my dude, everything is monetized now and I can guarantee you that popular sites won't have any JPEG-XL knowing they could lose money if their sites have empty spots.

Look at Flash when it got discontinued, yeah there are still ways to enable Flash but look at all the popular Flash sites that switched to HTML5 to make sure their sites don't die.


fgdfghdhj5yeh t1_iub1pbe wrote

The browser sends a header saying which images it supports and websites can send back the best format that it does support. (I say can there cuz some only have jpeg, but now many have jpeg, webp, avif, and will send accordingly)

flash got killed due to terrible security and being able to access the underlying system, same reason java got killed off on web. Same reason web assembly is so slow to adopt anything, even threading, because of security