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Drs83 t1_ixy5a04 wrote

The useless ones like masks in schools but not when having PE class or when presenting, masks in restaurants unless you're sitting at a table with a dozen people until you get up from the table and then magically masks are required again, somehow a kid turning 3 magically requiring a mask, silly 3 day absences from school for symptoms, still not letting parents attend school functions or more than one parent attending a teacher conference, the list goes on and on.

They still have tons of silly, pointless, wasteful, mandates that are just a power trip for those on top and a panic crutch for those on the bottom.

There are tons of people who are getting fed up with the silly mandates and it's 100% political at this point. There was a reason it kept coming up over and over again leading up to the elections yesterday.


mmarollo t1_ixyg0o6 wrote

Never underestimate the power of a totemic fetish charm. It’s woven into our dna from a million years of hominid evolution. Masks today are the 21st century version of the decorative rattle used to repel evil spirits while dancing around a fire in Turkey 19,000 years ago.