DoktorThodt t1_iy0btkp wrote
The same can be said for any addiction.
Destin2930 t1_iy0es9d wrote
I was dumb, depressed, and short tempered long before smart phones
Lighthazle t1_iy0g536 wrote
Not caffeine.
AngryArabDude t1_iy0gbi0 wrote
People with less self-control are addicted
[deleted] t1_iy0gln1 wrote
AmazingEmotion6254 t1_iy0hr7u wrote
Why not both?
fuzzytradr t1_iy0l61e wrote
Why you gotta call me out like that!? 😟
thinks for a moment
Wait a that's nearly all of us!
merigirl t1_iy0ofsv wrote
Indeed. Perhaps (to be read as guaranteed) people who have other mental health issues have a higher likelihood of compulsive behaviors, such that would lead to phone/internet addictions as well as causing all of the other negative issues mentioned.
vftgurl123 t1_iy0p05o wrote
yeah ok but at least i’m not addicted to weed and alcohol anymore so take that.
[deleted] t1_iy0q66k wrote
Gideon_Effect t1_iy0rd96 wrote
Critical thinking is gone as well.
AverageJoe-707 t1_iy0rq7s wrote
They forgot to mention cell phone neck lol
vangoghcuckurself t1_iy0tabi wrote
So… an addiction
mbcummings t1_iy0td6m wrote
Said digital only publisher. 🤔
cmVkZGl0 t1_iy0w8je wrote
Correlation. You're smartphone is the easiest and most convenient distraction which low cognitive abilities, less self-contro,l and poor psychological well-being response to.
Remember when they used to blame TV on everything? Could have the same headline just swap the words
JamesBond-007-- t1_iy0yvt7 wrote
Please stop describing me :(
Dumguy1214 t1_iy1237c wrote
I am 42, I grew up with out a phone plus I am not on social media, I just use the phone to call people
watching young people stare at these things for hours is a little unsettling, I have seen heroin addicts look better
Iceland has started to ban phones in schools and the kids with in days start to play and talk to each other again
Grosspiganimal t1_iy13vh7 wrote
Couldn’t agree more
dfox2014 t1_iy14di5 wrote
said while browsing Reddit from a smartphone
xavis t1_iy18066 wrote
Cause is media addiction.
No_Set_9593 t1_iy188jq wrote
That just sounds like a normal addiction, doesn’t have to be specific to cellphones
LightInthewater t1_iy1da71 wrote
Not entirely, it's jsut the way kids socailize now. Posts, texts, instagram etc. Its how they talk with one another. A kid losing his phone means they're out of their social circle.
Grosspiganimal t1_iy1dhxv wrote
Kids are losing their ability to listen and follow verbal directions.
windowbar t1_iy1dybi wrote
Says who?
windowbar t1_iy1e2vi wrote
Kids have always not listened to directions. This isn't because of cell phones.
Grosspiganimal t1_iy1fy3a wrote
I respectfully disagree. Previous generations that didn’t grow up with cell phones were able to take notes in class that were dictated by the teacher. That is impossible today.
Theory-of-Everytang t1_iy1ge26 wrote
Well it’s happening to everyone we we all suck. Switch to VR.
SWThrowaway000001 t1_iy1iikh wrote
Lol I love these studies. Go anywhere other than a restaurant or bar and 99% of people are on their phones.
PaidToBeRedditing t1_iy1it2e wrote
Applies to PC too, i'm not really a big phone person, i like to pat my self on the back because i dont use insta or tiktok or whatever else. Then I remember that as soon as I get home i'm sat in front of my two screens watching something/desperately trying to find something to watch, and browsing reddit/imgur, or playing a game.
but our society is also inextricably linked with the internet these days. I mean, there are people fighting a war right now posting tiktoks about being under fire.
BraveTheWall t1_iy1ku0g wrote
Caffeine is absolutely linked with increased impulsivity and anxiety. AKA poor impulse control and reduced psychological well-being.
BraveTheWall t1_iy1l3l4 wrote
gestures at prevalence of absurd conspiracy theories masquerading as facts
No_Assist2955 t1_iy1l9f2 wrote
So basically everyone who own a smart phone. This explains a lot.
you_are_a_dope t1_iy1n75e wrote
Okay but within the past 6 months, on this very sub, there was a study that said the same behavior had no impact on cognitive functions. Wtf am I supposed to believe? This is the eggs healthy thing all over again.
[deleted] t1_iy1txab wrote
MarqNiffler t1_iy1vesi wrote
Ok first of all, how dare you
[deleted] t1_iy1ydz9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy1ylof wrote
[deleted] t1_iy1ywpz wrote
Fearless-Temporary29 t1_iy20iwz wrote
What about me pointless daily activities.
Guilty_Discount1173 t1_iy20ls7 wrote
I’m browsing from a gameboy color
puck_gibby t1_iy221wx wrote
Middle school educators: “ya think?”
carefullycactus t1_iy23eje wrote
People were once shamed for reading! Source
Hillbilly_Boozer t1_iy24649 wrote
>Each participant’s phone data was retrieved via the “SocialStatsApp” which provides information about the use of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
Don't worry guys, they didn't mention Reddit. We're safe for now
whyreadthis2035 t1_iy24khl wrote
I’ll take that at face value. I can’t find places I’d driven to for years pre gps, without GPS. And inn losing words.
[deleted] t1_iy25ctx wrote
PM_ME_YOUR_BEAMSHOTS t1_iy25gj2 wrote
I'm browsing from a relic called a computer
Daedelous2k t1_iy26mmt wrote
You know what else is? Being a regular on /r/politics.
NjGTSilver t1_iy27qov wrote
In other words:
“lower cognitive abilities, less self-control, and worse psychological well-being… linked with Smartphone addiction”
This is no different than porn, alcohol, drug, sex it other addictions…
islandjames246 t1_iy28o4z wrote
That explains it
ultra242 t1_iy28twk wrote
Well then I'm definitely not going to worry about my smartphone use
Convenientjellybean t1_iy29buw wrote
lol, ha. Wait, what?
[deleted] t1_iy2c1d7 wrote
paradiseluck t1_iy2ce3w wrote
People in the past were shamed for doing (x), you are not gonna let 'em stop you from doing (y) are you? Smoke that cigarette, go 100 over the speed limit if you have to.
Historical_Tea2022 t1_iy2cfge wrote
Everyone is on their phone or computer all day so how do they test this?
ultra242 t1_iy2cg9l wrote
I quit smoking five years ago.
cassy-nerdburg t1_iy2cl15 wrote
Ah so that's what's causing that. Fuck.
MutedMembership4296 t1_iy2dhp9 wrote
Anyone get this message on their smartphone, haha? Sorry, I couldn't control myself😎.
ItsAllegorical t1_iy2fj79 wrote
My psychological wellbeing has reached it's nadir. I have nothing more to fear from social media except missing something.
Last-Divide-6666 t1_iy2gf17 wrote
Flip side- it can help practice self-control by restricting screen time
Frater_Ankara t1_iy2gt8h wrote
Believe me, as a recovering alcoholic who hasn’t drank in 15 years, self control was not the issue.
Acidflare1 t1_iy2i69w wrote
Scroll, Scroll, Scroll, Scroll, Scroll….
Finger falls off, Scroll…
Sagittarrius-A t1_iy2j7vt wrote
We are going from using 10 fingers to just 2. And we call them smartphones, i think i can see why
WooliestSpace t1_iy2jgml wrote
So smartphones make you dumb
Lil_Odd t1_iy2x33x wrote
I mainly use my phone for reading so, I’m with you on this. Lol
Goanreddit t1_iy2yi6w wrote
Smartphone is a utility product. The product meets so many of our diverse needs on a daily basis. So if someone is using smartphone to read books the statistics will highlight that the person is spending 6 hours daily over the phone. You can use smartphone to do something very constructive and productive too. Like writing longform posts for your blog apart from reading.
Electronic-Lie-5897 t1_iy2yua0 wrote
All addictions are linked with these kinds of things.
the-finnish-guy t1_iy2z2pl wrote
All the depressed people using phones to distract themselves from being sad.
Looks at my screentime: 12 hours, 14 hours, 12 hours
LloydAtkinson t1_iy31b9s wrote
Fucking finally. I think this is one of the things that everyone knows but needs scientific confirmation. I don't care how much hate from zoomers I'll get for this but fucking tick tock is eroding their mental capacity and harming society as a whole.
sandtymanty t1_iy3444b wrote
This sickens me.
tango_41 t1_iy36ar0 wrote
“Go ‘way! ‘batin’!”
cloudstrife309 t1_iy36qfs wrote
In same study- water is wet.
rensi07 t1_iy399rw wrote
Confirmed, nose works to scroll.
mrsxfreeway t1_iy3d4v6 wrote
Also has a lot of people thinking they have ADHD
rcmaehl t1_iy3ny4t wrote
This reminds me of that Reddit post of the guy with an 8(?) Inch nose.
kaminari1 t1_iy3xc7t wrote
True but most people use it for trash like Instagram or TikTok.
[deleted] t1_iy3z5rz wrote
RobToastie t1_iy40jlt wrote
> Each participant’s phone data was retrieved via the “SocialStatsApp” which provides information about the use of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
That's not smartphone addiction, that's social media addiction
ageofthoughts t1_iy4gh3q wrote
He said he wants some colaaa
[deleted] t1_iy592bd wrote
monchota t1_iy5a6qc wrote
Work with teenagers, it is not just us "elder millenials" saying that. There is a difference in screen time, the teens gaming most of the time and not social media. They seem to be better off cognitively, just need good direction. The other teens who literally spend all thier time on YouTube and TikTok, are getting worse.
monchota t1_iy5ajlz wrote
Its also directly related to better focus for kids thag need it. It depends on the child and things like that should be on a per child basis. Source: grew up with learning disabilities and listened to it a lot of bad advice. Untill I got good doctors who treated me.
Tales_by_light t1_iy5gg2c wrote
Makes sense. I've seen these detriments in adulthood and adolescence.
windowbar t1_iy5quf5 wrote
Isn't this all generalizing a bit too? I mean, some kids are loud and annoying, disrupting the class, but most of my classmates are wonderful. We still take notes that are "dictated by the teacher". It goes on fine! My class average for our last geometry test was a 94! It isn't impossible to learn with smartphones in this day and age. In fact, we just used our devices, whether that be a phone or computer, to review for a science test on Kahoot! We all did really well. I just think it is a bit out of touch to think that kids like me can lose the ability to do something as simple as take notes just because smartphones exist.
GiveMeTheTape t1_iy5v8zv wrote
Have adhd, can confirm
WillDeletOneDay t1_iy6uttl wrote
Sounds like those are all traits that make you more susceptible to smartphone addiction.
[deleted] t1_iy75esx wrote
Guilty_Discount1173 t1_iy0bjlr wrote
Shut up I know