beef-o-lipso t1_ixsc543 wrote
Reply to comment by Un-Scammable in States Spent Millions On Deloitte’s ‘Anti-Fraud’ Covid Unemployment Systems, But They Suffered Billions In Fraud Losses by ThirdPartyMechanic
Explain please, for those of us in the cheap seats.
peter-doubt t1_ixscii4 wrote
(cheap conspiracy theory... )
Un-Scammable t1_ixsd3ly wrote
M2 is the money supply. Stimulus and PPP programs boosted M2. With too much money in the system, money has to find a home. When you have an oversupply of M2, you get a lagging inflation factor. And the only thing that can cure inflation, is lack of demand or an increase in supply. But due to covid, the supply chains were bottled up. This added fuel to the inflationary fire. This is why everything from the price of a plant seed to City skyscrapers went up in price. This was the fallout from covid-19.
AmazingHighlight7416 t1_ixuh41q wrote
If you’re going to present this theory without the evidence of a liquidity crisis cropping up before Covid nobody is going to believe you.
Un-Scammable t1_ixwkodp wrote
Paper assets don't have feelings. I don't care who believes me. The same thing happened in the roaring 20's. It's all recorded on the M2 chart at the FRED.
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