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hithisishal t1_ixxjhgs wrote

Probably a full wafer. There are a few different standard sizes nowadays, but all of them are around 6-8 inch squares or rectangles.


myne t1_ixyo2a0 wrote

If it's a full size wafer it'd be 30cm ~12in


hithisishal t1_ixysc85 wrote

Source? I've never heard of solar using 300mm wafers. I think the largest is M6


myne t1_ixysxb7 wrote

Those are the largest silicon wafers. No idea if they're used for solar


hithisishal t1_ixztslk wrote

They're not. Solar wafers are pretty different from wafers for IC / transistor fab. They are much thinner, rectangular so they can pack well, and are generally sold rough cut rather than polished.