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[deleted] t1_ixvhxmz wrote

I've watched two people die of cancer, maybe extending you're life at that point isn't what you want.

Edit - I'm just bitter atm


twofortomatoes t1_ixvxyzu wrote

Maybe speaking for all cancer patients after only knowing two isn’t what you want.


virtuesdeparture t1_ixw06yl wrote

Dcvax extended progression free survival rates even for recurrences. I’ve also watched two people die of cancer, both extremely aggressive (one GBM). He had a 99.9% resection of GBM and he did well for about six months until the cancer reoccurred.


DigitalParacosm t1_ixw15me wrote

Maybe it’s not what you’d want, but this treatment is offered well after you’ve been offered palliative care and hospice services, so your point is moot at best and incredibly cynical at worst.


Relevant-Ad2254 t1_ixz0ltv wrote

Depends how you prolong their life. Targeted therapy like immunotherapy gives a lot of virtually no no symptoms since the treatment only attacks cancer cells