Submitted by Sorin61 t3_z1m4hh in technology
Necromorph2 t1_ixbteqf wrote
I’m good thanks .
Kilren t1_ixbuc1j wrote
bamfalamfa t1_ixbue35 wrote
you could not live with your own failure. where did that bring you? back to me
orient_vermillion t1_ixbvn7b wrote
Bought AC:O recently. Need to install their launcher
balazs955 t1_ixbx25t wrote
Spoiler: it will
rvnx t1_ixc4kws wrote
That's a guarantee. But at least you can set it up to quit when you close the game.
D-Noch t1_ixc612i wrote
Playable movies that are crap ports. Miss me with that, anyway
PedroEglasias t1_ixcjdfe wrote
lol they've realised the cut Valve takes for covering all the bandwidth and storage requirements to allow customers to download games indefinitely was actually pretty fair...
Daedelous2k t1_ixck6ud wrote
godamn it, beat me to it.
[deleted] t1_ixcm8m7 wrote
theregalbeagle t1_ixcnfgu wrote
Fairly certain Valhalla wasn’t a failure, this is just Ubisoft exploiting the smoothbrained steam only customers to extract the last bit of cash from an untapped market.
MyNameIsDaveToo t1_ixcrxkk wrote
I can't describe how much I hate it. I like a few Ubi titles, but I have resisted downloading any because I don't want a FOURTH store/launcher installed (already have Battlenet, steam, and gog). I came back to PC gaming recently, after going console for about 2 decades, and was sorely disappointed at the current landscape.
Went from just buying the game you wanted and installing it to having to figure out which store even sell the game you want, shopping around because the price isn't the same, and then having to run a launcher and have internet just to play the game that you PAID FOR and should be able to use however you want. Digital music and movies are no different; you still pay the same price, but now if the place you bought it from goes under, you suddenly don't own any of it anymore.
tickettoride98 t1_ixcsf9y wrote
More like they realized they were losing a lot of sales by not being on Steam. This isn't about the 30% cut being "fair", it's about Steam being such a behemoth you can't afford not to be on it.
PedroEglasias t1_ixcsthb wrote
The costs of bandwidth and storage on geographically distributed mirrors, and allowing customers to download as many times as they want, forever, would be very high.
assault_shakr t1_ixctooo wrote
Yup same don't need anymore Ubisoft in my life.
Maybe they could make a crappier more expensive version of steam and sell it over there. Away from steam.
BLSmith2112 t1_ixcuafg wrote
Checks watch
Let's go Anno 1800! I wanna play that one so bad.
Edit: > City builder Anno 1800 and the free-to-play Roller Champions will hit Steam at a later date.
Oh! Exciting. Will be waiting.
YWAK98alum t1_ixcya60 wrote
I am on a basically permanent boycott of Ubisoft after the absolute hash they made of HOMM6, ruining one of my favorite franchises.
I still play HOMM3.
UsecMyNuts t1_ixd2h6p wrote
>Valhalla wasn’t a failure
>Ubisoft exploiting the smoothbrained steam only customers
This is contradictory because you can’t ignore 80% of the PC market while also being a success. It’s like releasing a new song for only android users and completely ignoring YouTube/iPhone etc.
Valhalla was a failure, sales wise, reviews wise and pretty much every other metric used to measure success. It’s YouTube and twitch views are lower than every other full AC game, and the fact that Ubisoft are now doing a full 180 and returning to steam should tell you that whatever they had going on with epic games didn’t work out at all.
theregalbeagle t1_ixd5nga wrote
What’s the slice of PC only gamers that also only buy on Steam that are interested in Valhalla 2 years after release?
I highly doubt your 80% of the PC gaming market is steam only. Plenty of AC fans bought on Uplay, Epic, or those other two pesky platforms if Xbox and PlayStation.
This isn’t Ubisoft returning with their tale between their legs. This is to study what sales they will generate from steam only holdouts.
Fun Fact: in February of this year Ubisoft announced Valhalla generated 1 billion in revenue making it the biggest earning title in the series. You should probably pay attention to actual financials and not what gamer media tells you.
Valhalla helped Ubisoft hit their most profitable quarter ever, was the fastest selling title, and made the most money selling through. All without Steam.
UsecMyNuts t1_ixd64cs wrote
>study what sales they generate from steam only holdouts
You mean the detailed paper they released to their investors which outlined the exact amount of money they estimated they would lose including a 5 year forecast?
Oh and btw that announcement was for Ubisoft as a whole including Ubi+ which was wildly successful on consoles.
Maybe you should actually read what those papers said, instead of just the title. ;)
Abracadabra21 t1_ixd9jsb wrote
One of my favorite games growing up. Played so much HOMM 2/3 and Might and Magic.
DummyDumDump t1_ixdc9mc wrote
3 months from now it will be on sale for 5.99 including all dlcs
votchamacallit_ t1_ixddzwf wrote
But would it work on Steam deck properly? Any Ubisoft game I have installed I have to re login if I happen to play another Ubisoft game. Regardless if I put down remember this PC.... It just casually forgets.
DiscreteConnected t1_ixdhaaq wrote
Yeah that's gonna be a no from me dawg
JimBeefLakeMonster t1_ixdu66a wrote
AC games are only to be bought for less than 10$ years after release
SomeKindofTreeWizard t1_ixe85nf wrote
Pffft. Ubi can miss me with that shit.
ginger308 t1_ixemlqi wrote
Yeah I haven’t bought a Ubisoft game since 2013 lol, not going back
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_ixesw5y wrote
I've bought games on steam I already had for free on epic because I hate using the epic launcher that much. Ubi's bullshit is even worse.
Lhumierre t1_ixfqv7d wrote
Especially population, Division 2 has endangered species level of people playing.
SomeKindofTreeWizard t1_ixbq0is wrote
I'm game if it doesn't come with their damned launcher...