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BadKarmaSimulator t1_iy4ghio wrote

Wow, crazy, that kind of police state sounds like an authoritarian nightmare. Any government acting in this way is inherently illegitimate and definitely shouldn't exist in its current state.



prophetmuhammad t1_iy5c45d wrote

i was raised with three different cultural/national identities and i can assure you that the US is nowhere near a police state or an authoritarian nightmare as china, so i promise you you don't need to get your undies in a bundle.

good night sweet prince


squidking78 t1_iy5y4q1 wrote

This is news? It’s how china ( or any late stage fascist state ) works. Not like it’s new.


squidking78 t1_iy5yb04 wrote

Mostly at the airport when the dirty foreigners like me try to come in. ( I’m always afraid of it, just cos it’s an invasion of privacy. ) US customs agents are always assholes. Worst of any nation I’ve ever been to.


mmarollo t1_iy62he7 wrote

Now now. You know that Reddit is very much in favour of cracking down hard on these protests. China should invoke the emergencies act, send in the shadowy police who don’t have any visible ID, and freeze the bank accounts of anyone who donated $10 to the protest.

Worked great in Canada.


GetOutOfTheWhey t1_iy7he7b wrote

I am surprised all they are checking for are apps, like they are manually checking for them.

I would've thought they would be like at the airports and flash your entire phone.


South_Ear6167 t1_iybevxh wrote

Police in Portland, OR, USA did this to protesters in 2020 as well. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism.