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porarte t1_iwuakbg wrote

A "nutrition label" is an imposed standard. It's part of what government is supposed to do. The idea that it's some kind of conspiracy is ridiculous.


SlickMouthedFool t1_iwunha9 wrote

Okay....the democrats have had control of the federal government for 3 years now.

You explain why Biden hasn't reinstated Net Neutrality, while taking it upon himself to write these new rules for the FCC?

Obviously they're getting something done.


porarte t1_iwuqi0z wrote

Didn't have the Senate... so, the answer is "the GOP." The Republicans lately have obstructed almost every good possibility.


SlickMouthedFool t1_iwv54pw wrote

That's just not true!

I wish the DNC had the votes to pass the law, but they don't, and I understand that

But the FCC commissioner has unilateral powers to either instate those rules or remove them, just like Obama and Trump's commissioners did.

Why hasn't Biden's FCC commissioner reinstated the Net Neutrality rules yet?!


FriendlyDespot t1_iwve6bk wrote

There's not just one single FCC commissioner. There's an FCC commission that has regulatory powers, but it's tied along party lines. You sound way too confident in what you're saying for someone who's so fundamentally misinformed on how the FCC Commission works.


SlickMouthedFool t1_iwvuzzt wrote

Biden waited 9 whole months to elect new FCC commissioners you fucking genius

And the DNC does have a majority RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

you sound really fucking confident for someone who obviously has no fucking clue how this works.


Deewd23 t1_iwuq5ll wrote

In order to pass a bill you need more than a majority in the senate. You think the GOP is going to push for rules on ISPs?


SlickMouthedFool t1_iwv4vin wrote

A bill would be amazing, it would make Net Neutrality the law of the land, but Biden cannot do that because he never had the votes.

I get that.

...but in lieu of that, the FCC commissioner has broad, unilateral powers, and he could reinstate net neutrality at least until the next commissioner is takes office.

That's how Obama got NN instated, and that's who Trump got it uninstated

It feels like Biden just wants us to forget about Net Neutrality, because his commissioner could have reinstated it on day 1!


FriendlyDespot t1_iwvd0f6 wrote

The FCC commission chairperson doesn't have broad unilateral powers. It's also not a he, but a she. The FCC commission as a whole has broad regulatory powers, but it's currently tied 2-2 and can't get anything meaningful passed unless it has bipartisan support.