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Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_iy85jn1 wrote

Everything tracks you. Just don't be a pedophile or drug addict or pirate and you'll be fine. Sorry but that's just the way it is now. You have no privacy. Be a decent law abiding person or get caught.


bored_pistachio t1_iy86dj9 wrote

What kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to type "You have no privacy" without having any problem with that?

Do you really value yourself so little?


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_iy86l1e wrote

I have nothing to hide so I'm okay with it.


spugg0 t1_iy88ohe wrote

Hey, can you send me your home adress, phone number, and a picture of yourself?

No reason really, but you dont have anything to hide right?


chris-tier t1_iy879qs wrote

Ah yes, the one argument against privacy. I'm convinced now. Where can I hand over my private data to you?


MachineCode86 t1_iy8amyr wrote

Well in that case, may I have your name, address, social security number, bank account and routing number, and insist that you never close the door to the bathroom or your bedroom ever again?