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pbmcc88 t1_ixjyvgm wrote

Company towns paying scrip that nobody outside of town accepts.


blkbny t1_ixl0as4 wrote it's essentially slavery with extra steps.


stillwtnforbmrecords t1_ixllz13 wrote

Well… that’s capitalism for ya.


gwicksted t1_ixlydgi wrote

Capitalism would be great if it was separate from the government and the government kept them in check with laws that protect the little guys. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen.


official_jgf t1_ixm7ina wrote

Because there's nothing stopping US politicians from accepting bribes from big corporations for policy favors. It may as well actually be communism when you end up with the same level of absolute power for the corporate leaders as you would have amongst the government leaders in communism.


the_grungydan t1_ixmdyzs wrote

We have in essence the exact same problem that existed in the USSR, just with a much more effective propaganda machine.

Some "Murca!" dipshit is going to come along and deliberately misunderstand my point in 3.... 2.....


gwicksted t1_ixme0ix wrote

Precisely. In Canada too. Lobbying and political donations as well as shady deals shouldn’t be allowed.

Ideally, there would be no political parties nor votes. Political candidates should be chosen at random with considerations for a broad selection of socioeconomic statuses and job titles. It should be done using a variety of random information sources such that it would be very difficult to tamper with all of them.

You should apply to become one in your census and only being appointed for a one to two year term. An ethics board should also be appointed similarly and would audit the “politicians” with legal guidance. Your pay would remain the same as your average income over the past 2 years with a maximum of $200,000 to eliminate any strong financial incentive. There would be an additional $10,000 personal care budget to assist with presentable clothing and grooming as well as additional considerations for those with disabilities. A minimum IQ should be required such that you are at least in the median to prove a reasonable level of reading/writing/comprehension required to perform your duties.

During their term, their powers would be limited to controlling capitalism, distribution of foreign aid, funding federal initiatives such as military and infrastructure investment.

Eliminate provincial governments here in Canada and instead rely more heavily on elected town council which will have powers limited to their area and money collected from it to provide necessary infrastructure.

I don’t know if this would actually work. Just a thought experiment


slothordepressed t1_ixmjodi wrote

Government protecting the little guys?!?!? That's communism, the reds, go back to the USSR! /s


Anton_Cermak t1_ixr45hr wrote

Except that is impossible because capital and the state are two sides of the same coin


stillwtnforbmrecords t1_ixmkjby wrote

The state is literally an invention of capital to protect itself from the working class.


Vradlock t1_ixlwy6u wrote

They could exchange it for $ 2:1. It was really evil.


geekygay t1_ixmcs3w wrote

Oh, you try to bring it up to Liberals about how rural areas have been screwed by capitalism and they go "Well, but they vote really shitty right now, don't they know any better? Therefore, I hate them." And then turn around and go "Generational wealth and resources has been denied to black people and should be fixed." And they just... have these two thoughts in their mind at the same time.


ffwiffo t1_ixmmhov wrote

liberals do not think anyone deserved company towns

try and keep your brain goo in


geekygay t1_ixmnkf6 wrote

I'm not saying they said that. I'm saying they have zero empathy for people suffering the generational trauma of having a populace who was treated that way, or close to it.

Also, just because I'm calling out Liberals doesn't mean I'm therefore a Conservative.


ffwiffo t1_ixmnx3p wrote

> I'm saying they have zero empathy

that takes zero empathy


geekygay t1_ixmsj46 wrote

What take zero empathy? My calling out one set of victims for not empathizing with other victims? There's too much infighting between the victims of capitalism. And blaming rural voters for doing what they've been conditioned into doing due to their environment is getting really old. It's just Liberals trying to make their selves feel holier-than-thou towards Conservatives because that's all they have going for them in their lives.


ffwiffo t1_ixmuf90 wrote

you are literally spouting holier than thou garbage

shut the fuck up


geekygay t1_ixnxekl wrote

No, I'm trying to get people to fucking care about their fellow human being instead of just going "Oh, they're a Republican? fuck them, they can rot!"


ffwiffo t1_ixo0m5g wrote

your even less holy than those fuckers??

shit dude


junkboxraider t1_ixmp1s6 wrote

What you’re leaving out (I suspect intentionally) is that the rural voters who consistently vote against their own interests — as long as those votes also work against other people — are overwhelmingly white. It’s the same mindset, and sometimes the same people, that has historically fought against people of color in America.

It’s not two conflicting thoughts, it’s two facets of the same problem.


geekygay t1_ixmq3qh wrote

> What you’re leaving out (I suspect intentionally) is that the rural voters who consistently vote against their own interests — as long as those votes also work against other people — are overwhelmingly white.

I don't really even know what this has to do with this except you're trying to say "It's ok that they were the victims of capitalism, they're white!" Which is a brave stance.

I keep wanting to make fun of you for thinking that I intentionally left out one of the most well-known facts ever, but I'm torn on that due to the fact I have no idea what their being white has to do with what I said. And, yeah, they have fought against people of color. But that was due to manipulations by the wealthy and preying upon biases present in every person, white or black. Don't pretend that black people are unable to have racial biases. I think Kanye and Irving have made that quite clear.


junkboxraider t1_ixmufd2 wrote

You seem really intent on protecting white voters who voted to discriminate against and harm non-whites from the consequences of their votes.

I never said or implied that white voters were not also harmed by predatory capitalism. But there’s a real big difference between fighting against predatory practices and trying to harness them to hurt people you don’t like.


geekygay t1_ixnxq72 wrote

> trying to harness them to hurt people you don’t like.

Because they're ignorant that there can be any other way of going about it! And I'm talking to a bunch of fucking liberals, so of course I'm coming at it from this angle. If I were talking to Conservatives, my comments would be different. Why would I preach to the choir.... oh no, that's what you want so you can feel good about yourself.

Fucking "Protecting white voters" Jesus christ. This isn't a zero sum endeavor, guys. You're just as black/white viewpoint as Christian nationalists are.