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DustyNix t1_ix1nhc8 wrote

My Xiaomi mi 11 when watching youtube normally one day just glitched out and went black and died. I had been using it for like 5-6 months and had to send it in.

Got it repaired for free after 2 weeks but all the pictures and things were gone, noticed then that my fingerprint sensor didn't work so I decided to mess around in the settings to see what was wrong.

Arrived at the menu where you can test whether different things work and got an error for the fingerprint sensor, emailed them they said that it was prob and oversight on their part when they installed the new motherboard.

This was right before summer when I wasn't gonna be able to pick up the phone or get another one for a whole 2 months. Gave up, and I use it now but my next phone is prob gonna be some 120hz second-hand old iPhone model...