KaneinEncanto t1_iy9msk8 wrote
You know there's an article linked...
BluffJunkie t1_iy9njoq wrote
Doesn't seem safe
IvankaPounder t1_iy9od5h wrote
Hope they take cash, google has over 116 billion dollars in cash and cash equivalents as of the end of the last quarter.
CoconutMinty t1_iy9ozsr wrote
care to elaborate?
zZaphon t1_iy9p802 wrote
The phone would freeze repeatedly under minimal stress. I had the latest updates as well.
MrNickyDubbs t1_iy9pk19 wrote
You guys are getting paid?
DamonFields t1_iy9q6hk wrote
Where they went wrong was buying endorsements without the DJ’s actually having the product to endorse. Google could have saved 9 million dollars if they would have supplied each endorser with the product. Cheap greed never was very smart.
AMF_Shafty t1_iy9qq5n wrote
xda developers is safe
PM_ME_COOL_RIFFS t1_iy9qusn wrote
Damn and I've been telling people I like my Pixel for free like an absolute sucker.
PerformerOwn194 t1_iy9r19i wrote
Yeah but the suspension lasts for 5 seconds
hightechsolution t1_iy9rbwo wrote
No 3.5mm headphone jack, cannot plug it into the Stereo(Quad Monoblock) or Wired headphones to snowboard with
Therefore its shite
ineedabuttrub t1_iy9rm08 wrote
Alphabet had a 2022Q3 earnings of $69 billion. A $9.4 million dollar fine to them is the same as fining someone making $100k per year $3.41. Literal pocket change.
GhostalMedia t1_iy9sajq wrote
I’m confused about the two ecosystem comment. You’re using windows and android. That’s two? No?
[deleted] t1_iy9sb3u wrote
3p1cBm4n9669 t1_iy9sk1m wrote
What premium phone has a 3.5mm headphone jack nowadays?
HumanContinuity t1_iy9sxdz wrote
Dude, me too. I even tell people about losing it while kayaking off the coast and using the last gps signal to search for it and finding it, still on, after being dragged through tide pools for hours.
3p1cBm4n9669 t1_iy9sy7k wrote
Not op but trash battery. I had both a Pixel 2XL and a 3, both were garbage and I’d be lucky to get 5 hours of screen on time.
corkedcoffeemug t1_iy9t2k8 wrote
so will the money go to those affected by this predatory marketing?
or like, to the government never to be seen by consumers
Zeplar t1_iy9tp13 wrote
Why can't you plug it in?
matt6pup t1_iy9uiwq wrote
Yeah, I still have the 3a and it runs just as smoothly as the day I got it. I'm totally a pixel fanboy.
AppleJ33 t1_iy9uo6i wrote
I loved my pixel 2, probably my favorite cell phone behind my original Razr. Google, send me money!
I have a Pixel 6 now, I have no complaints at the moment. I am sure I would LOVE it with a little help wink wink nudge nudge google
sweetzombiejesusog t1_iy9v1zp wrote
They are probably still doing it. The pixel 6 pro is nearly unusable because of lag, stutters and freezing. No negative reviews anywhere
HuntingGreyFace t1_iy9v8bs wrote
well thats small enough to file at the back of operating costs
tuddrussell2 t1_iy9vr04 wrote
Amazon, Rings of Power will cost them?
QuestionableAI t1_iy9wejn wrote
fucking chump change ... do a fine that actual means something ... this is like charging me 25 cents for not cleaning my room when I was 10 years old. Fugnothing.
ShankThatSnitch t1_iy9wgmu wrote
"OH nooo!....anyway" - Google.
So basically Google had to spend on extra $9.4 million on their marketing budget, is what the headline should be.
magenk t1_iy9wmnd wrote
Google integrates better with Windows. I have my Google Drive on my PC and a lot of Google stuff is Chrome/browser based vs proprietary app based iOS stuff. I use Chrome, Gmail, and Google Maps. If I want to transfer files to my PC, I just plug in a USB cable.
I also don't like the iCloud, iTunes interface. I already have like 50 programs I have to use every day, I don't need an Apple specific GUI especially since there are no iOS apps or programs I ever need. iOS Sketch for web design used to be pretty cool, but it wasn't available for PC. Now everyone is using Figma because it's system agnostic and browser based as well.
Mac makes great hardware, but not enough for the hassle of using it and the cost. Phones outlast security updates anyway. I could see getting a Macbook Pro because they last forever, but I'd be using Boot Camp to stick Windows on it.
ShankThatSnitch t1_iy9wyqs wrote
The math checks out.
I see it as, Google had to spend a tiny bit more on their marketing budget, essentially.
squarefan80 t1_iy9yi2p wrote
which is why these fees need to be percentage in nature and not fixed; be it yearly earnings or held assets. make the ‘cost of doing business’ actually debilitating so they actually have to consider their actions.
yeah. pipe dream, i know…
GhostalMedia t1_iy9z27h wrote
> Google integrates better with Windows.
Chrome, Drive, and all of those Google products exist on MacOS too. Google’s campus is littered with MacBooks, so it’s definitely a platform that they spend a lot of attention on. Last time I was there, literally everyone I was meeting with rolled in with a Mac. 😆
I don’t have any problems syncing my Android phone with my Mac. It’s basically exactly the same as Windows.
Apartment213shit t1_iya21ow wrote
Honestly after having the first one I now understand how they ended up making more
daviEnnis t1_iya2pzm wrote
I don't think they'll view it like that - was the marketing they received worth whatever they paid, plus 9.4mil? Not every crime is supposed to come with a crippling punishment.
And honestly, who believes all those podcast hosts and their scripted line or two about how they use x product, and theyd be using it even if they weren't a sponsor?
[deleted] t1_iya3ca6 wrote
magenk t1_iya3uu5 wrote
Macbook Pros are the best laptop you can buy, but for 99% of the global population a PC is going to make way more sense.
I work with devs in a lot of different countries where a Macbook costs like 3 months average salary, and the idea that everyone should get a Mac to do design work makes zero sense and always struck me as very elitist/status symbol. I abhorred the Mac as industry design standard back in the day and having to use Sketch. Young professionals and college kids pirated Photoshop forever because they were broke. Now everyone needs a $2000+ laptop just to for design work? Fuck that!
All you're telling me is that rich people buy Macbooks and that young people in those industries are status conscious. Most young people should be buying cheap Android phones, but the majority buy $1000 iPhones. People aren't logical.
dizorkmage t1_iya5hwz wrote
I'm just tired of pretending, bring on the corporate overloards, least then I'll get my blade runner sex robot, some cyber punk implants and waste some xenomorphs in space.
silqii t1_iya6nm6 wrote
It sounds like they could’ve sent a mil max in product and saved 8 mil on marketing. So they were basically idiots wasting money for no reason. I wonder how many other ways google wastes money like this.
LotharLandru t1_iya7u7l wrote
The call screening feature is amazing I love it so much
TheThingsWeMake t1_iya8mxt wrote
In this case it just makes this method of marketing non-viable, so in theory does what the fine is meant to. But yeah I'm not so naive to think they won't just do some other shady trick next time.
[deleted] t1_iya8nsd wrote
diox8tony t1_iya9rni wrote
And I literally can't tell the difference between the pixel 1, 3a, 4a, 5a...all practically the same to me(I only buy because screen broke or battery won't charge). Sad the 6a won't have audio jack...
Timbershoe t1_iya9x6g wrote
Best I can do is get you wasted, and send you to space as a sex doll for xenomorphs to implant.
diox8tony t1_iyaa1ad wrote
Or.....they almost saved 8 mil like they do 100 times per year, just this time they got caught and had to fork the extra 8mil
peanutmamba t1_iyaafr8 wrote
Who do these fines even go to?
DukeOfGeek t1_iyabl3m wrote
People can do that? Just get on the internet and lie about products for money?
DukeOfGeek t1_iyabpkd wrote
But still, sex, right?
bkconn t1_iyad4jv wrote
Cursedbythedicegods t1_iyad9xi wrote
It's not a fine, its cost of doing business.
kingallison t1_iyaep62 wrote
I just wanna know where does that money go and how does it compensate the consumer who was harmed by the bogus endorsements?
succubus-slayer t1_iyaeuxj wrote
Was it really that bad?
I remember years ago really enjoying the HTC.
UnkindlyDisagree t1_iyafszv wrote
⬆️ Didn't read the article.
UnkindlyDisagree t1_iyafwll wrote
Yo 2005 called, it wants this comment back.
Mundane-Ranger9491 t1_iyagg2a wrote
Xenomorph always seemed to win. So, maybe not work for Wayland? Lol
Recent_Description44 t1_iyagw65 wrote
Same, but for fuck sake can they please let us use video out on the USB-C?
ughwithoutadoubt t1_iyahvei wrote
Question?? Who does the lawsuit money go to?
muckpucker t1_iyaix3w wrote
Hey internet stranger, I'm with you. I bought the next generation of Pixel phone because the Pixel 4 was supposed to be so great, now I find out that was all just lies. Will I see a nickel of that money? I doubt it. All that being said, I like my Pixel 5 Even though the power jack is dead and the speakers output is weak.
outerproduct t1_iyaj34y wrote
I was about to say, they probably paid less in marketing haha.
Cyrus_rule t1_iyajzjx wrote
They have to now pay some more
Smtxom t1_iyak0rv wrote
But XXLPEJ is a stand up company. Their products are all 5 star!
-cashes check
Hairy-Medicine8173 t1_iyakktw wrote
Cost of business. This fine is exceedingly low for a company this large
insultant_ t1_iyamesp wrote
“Not my senator!” - tech execs
GhostalMedia t1_iyamssp wrote
I’m just saying that “integrates better with windows” isn’t true. The experience for an Android / Google user on MacOS is basically the same as it is on Windows.
Buy whatever PC works best for you and your budget.
[deleted] t1_iyao361 wrote
DrSpreadOtt t1_iyaoc1o wrote
They had to spend $0.30 more on their marketing budget to be exact. Guess some heads will roll for this outrageous blunder. $0.30 is a lot of money.
Groperofeuropa t1_iyaqkao wrote
They couldn't pay me enough to ever say I like my Pixel 7 Pro. Dumbest financial decision I made this year.
PepsiMangoMmm t1_iyasfov wrote
So odd they're removing the audio jack. Pixel 2 didn't have a headphone jack (what I'm on rn) but my old phone (4a) did. I wonder why they're getting rid of it again
hurl9e9y9 t1_iyat9lq wrote
I actually did like the Pixel 4 (pay me). It was the last phone I had that fit in my palm which I could still tap everywhere with my thumb without shifting. It was the perfect size. Even the non-"pro" models are so damn big now. I don't need a mobile movie theater or gaming rig, I just want something that fits in my pocket that I can whip out a text on or check something on Google real quick. Why is that such a foreign idea now?
The only thing I didn't like about it was no fingerprint sensor. It was the in between model after they went away from capacitive sensors on the back and before in screen fingerprint readers. So it only worked on face unlock, which was a little shaky at the time but good enough. But wouldn't you know, we had a global pandemic as soon as I bought it, so I had a mask on when I was out and had to PIN unlock every single time.
But I would absolutely deal with all of that again just to have a reasonably sized phone. And it was orange. Orange!
timisher t1_iyathrj wrote
Probably like 1c an infraction
Spicy_pewpew_memes t1_iyaty8z wrote
That's not a fine, thats a marketing expense.
andrew899876 t1_iyau6xf wrote
My favourite acronym is i18n. The audacity to put the first letter then sat 18 letters here then last letter.
PotentialFly1450 t1_iyau766 wrote
I like the Google pixel 4, what a great device. Oh. Em. Gee.
Please send cheque immediately, Google. Rent is due tomorrow.
iiztrollin t1_iyavd9m wrote
I've been telling people that sense the 3 and I worked in wireless, didn't really change many peoples minds. I think over 5 years I sold 5 pixels and 3 of them people wanted and 1 was returned.
BarrySix t1_iyaw9pw wrote
Maybe something is wrong with your one. That's not normal.
FartKnocker4lyfe t1_iyaxd7k wrote
Doesn’t every single social media influencer get paid to tell people they love a product?
2Mona94 t1_iyayxxe wrote
Amazon is flooded with misleading inflated reviews. The rebate key program was a big eye opener for me.
frendzoned_by_yo_mom t1_iyaz8b4 wrote
Please explain
thingandstuff t1_iyazhuj wrote
I’m so confused. When did this become illegal? People have been doing this forever.
Kufat t1_iyb1axe wrote
They kept it longer in the budget series. OnePlus did the same thing (N series vs the 9/10/etc.)
[deleted] t1_iyb1buc wrote
SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iyb22pr wrote
I bought a USB cable from Amazon.
It came in a box, the volume of which was taken up by a 40% USB cable, 5% packing material, and 55% literature instructing me on how to MAKE DOUBLE PLUS EXTRA AUSPICIOUS THANK YOU GOODLY AAA+++ 5-STAR REVIEW.
SnakeSkinBots t1_iyb3sl0 wrote
I like Pixel 4 and I am 100% human
Morphine_123 t1_iyb3y4e wrote
But i do like my Pixel 4.
sweetzombiejesusog t1_iyb479v wrote
Actually it was bad enough that google warrantied it and it did the same thing out the box both times.
user17302 t1_iyb55us wrote
Man I had a 3a and loved it. Got a 4 and it bricked the day I touched down to my deployed location and had to emergency buy a iPhone on base and now I’m sucked into the Apple ecosystem. I was hoping the Google watch would bring me back but I can’t seem to find a good reason to switch back over
letsbefrds t1_iyb6rh3 wrote
Seriously the facial unlock was pretty neat, a lot better than my p7
If they had a larger battery I probably would have kept it
robdiqulous t1_iyb88x9 wrote
Shit! You did it again!
zombiefied t1_iyb8dot wrote
About 2.8 seconds of ad rev…
NodeShot t1_iyb8hzx wrote
For a 300$ phone: Good storage size Amazing camera quality Easy to use and very sturdy; I must've dropped mine 100+ times and it never broke.
I have a pretty normal life so I always have access to a charger, but I have to agree the battery seems to die pretty quick
HumanContinuity t1_iyb8u2j wrote
Gotta add that to the invoice.
That reminds me of that story of the guy who succeeded in defrauding Google and a few other tech companies by just sending invoices, which they just paid without investigating for a while.
bernyzilla t1_iyba8gq wrote
The real question is if they gained more profit off the sales that those bribes generated. If that's the case, then this paltry fine is just a good investment from Google's perspective.
robdiqulous t1_iybadz2 wrote
I literally had a scam email today that was pretty convincing, that was asking me for all of our current AR. They could have done exactly that with actual legit invoice amounts.
Mythril_Zombie t1_iybav3d wrote
>Where they went wrong was...
"wrong". lol
They made way more than 9 million dollars doing this. This tiny infinitesimal nothing of a fine is like getting a 5 dollar ticket for jaywalking.
drones4thepoor t1_iybbbg6 wrote
Yea, but management won’t see it this way. Employees lost the company ~10mil as opposed to less than $10k.
w2tpmf t1_iybcl0q wrote
Mine fell out of my pocket while hopping off of a water taxi onto Lovers Beach in Cabo. I spent a half hour diving in looking for it on the bottom of the ocean before giving up. 10 min later the next group of people getting dropped off a guy reaches down and picks my phone up out of the water.
It's still kicking today more than a year later.
jezwel t1_iybcp4x wrote
Loved my Pixel 4, until it died 1 month after the warranty expired. No warnings, no bad handling - out it on my bedside table when I went to bed, next morning it was a brick.
dishie t1_iybd4qn wrote
I just upgraded recently from the 3a to the 7 because they are no longer putting out security updates for anything older than a 4. Just something you may want to look into.
HalfPointFive t1_iybd7c8 wrote
Can I still get money for saying I like the pixel 4?
HalfPointFive t1_iybde5e wrote
It was great. But it did not last. I had one that died under warranty and one that died out of warranty. Same issue. Screen connector.
dmillerksu t1_iybdx2x wrote
Why is this wrong? The people on those drug commercials typically don’t have those diseases and never too the drugs
spookje t1_iybedhf wrote
Yeah. Unfortunately, Google is the kind of company that just has a budget category for this kind of stuff. They literally have a yearly budget item for paying millions of EU fines to deal with GDPR violations as well. Hell, this Pixel one probably comes out of the Pixel marketing budget to begin with.
sevargmas t1_iybedys wrote
Gross or net earnings?
NodeShot t1_iybex8y wrote
I've had mine for years and it works great!
forgotten_tomato t1_iybf2h4 wrote
you are asking lawmakers punish the very orgs that donates money to them. this is all a show for us plebs
AbrasivesUnlimited t1_iybfj8i wrote
Oh no. A fine. What will they ever do
not_anonymouse t1_iybfjf2 wrote
What's the rebate key program?
cereal7802 t1_iybgq4s wrote
Is that not allowed? My apartment complex gave me a deal with half price rent for first month and no security deposit in exchange for a google review in 2015. Now they are offering "A chance to win a gift card" for proof of google review. seems like the same shit to me.
jimbo92107 t1_iybh7yv wrote
Only $9.4 million? If I were Google, that pittance wouldn't even get me to stop bribing people.
Send a Google executive to prison. That'll stop their crimes for real.
greatvaluemeeseeks t1_iybh955 wrote
So literally about an hour's worth of profits.
AlSweigart t1_iybhp8e wrote
I'm guessing it's some form of getting a card with your order that says, "If you rate this 5 stars, we'll give you half off your next purchase" or something like that. Real scummy.
Jorycle t1_iybkgx8 wrote
Every company that receives any kind of incentive to boost any product or service or whatever should have to say in big letters "WE WERE PAID TO SAY THIS." Make the fines big enough that companies are afraid of the consequences.
Like 95% of the shit you see on the internet would be plastered with "WE WERE PAID TO SAY THIS."
joeblo987123 t1_iybl41o wrote
Well aside from the lack of any security updates since spring....
Maplestori t1_iyblae1 wrote
Back to their petty cash duh
ffdfawtreteraffds t1_iyblobp wrote
LOL. The letter scramble name is perfect. Once they get a bunch of 1-star reviews for their phone cases, they'll become DFUYYTL.
ffdfawtreteraffds t1_iybmo8y wrote
Google? $9.4 million? They're still laughing.
ineedabuttrub t1_iybn2h3 wrote
Gross earnings.
xpluguglyx t1_iybnsar wrote
They are called live reads, they have been around forever, every radio DJ and podcaster does them. Google just distributed the live reads scripts and paid for them before they supplied the phone. It is stupid because nobody actually believes their favorite personality actually uses the crap they shill, we know it is just to help pay for the talent.
Ordinary_Cap_5846 t1_iybo6s3 wrote
Don’t they just use AI to fake positive reviews now?
Sweetwill62 t1_iybp2we wrote
Not just butt sex.
mordecai98 t1_iybpvh4 wrote
Count your blessings
Oscarcharliezulu t1_iybsks5 wrote
But isn’t this just advertising - advertising is paying people to say good things. What they need to do is mark them as ‘ads’
downonthesecond t1_iybtdmz wrote
>The lawsuit states that radio personalities were used to promote the handset, with nearly 29,000 "deceptive endorsements" made during that time.
Sounds like Google wasted a lot of money.
AcquireLogic t1_iybvddr wrote
Use Fakespot to see real rating
AnthropomorphicFood t1_iybyxlt wrote
Do as I say not as I do. Oh the hypocrisy when they’ve been after fake reviews in the Play Store.
-JudgeFudge- t1_iybzxv8 wrote
I hated my pixel 4. It never worked properly and they tried to replace it with a refurbished device. It made me drop everything google and switch to Apple
General1lol t1_iyc34gq wrote
I upgraded to a Pixel 4 from an iPhone SE (2016), so my bar of being impressed were very low. While the Facial Recognition, camera, and screen were literal heaven on the Pixel 4, I suffered too many app freezes and crashes along with the ridiculously short battery life to make me really like it. I upgraded to an iPhone 12 Mini as soon as it was released and never looked back.
londons_explorer t1_iyc4m3k wrote
More like "If you rate this 5 stars, we'll give you a full refund, an extra $10, and you get to keep the product for free"
BytecodeBollhav t1_iyc53s5 wrote
Basically, Google payed radio hosts to endorse their phone, but they didn't actually use the phone. I'm not sure if Google didn't provide samples or if the people just didn't do it, but basically, some people got payed to endorse a product they hadn't used, they did, now both parties are in hot water.
qqanyjuan t1_iyc5ii9 wrote
Ahh I see, thanks for explanation
But still not sure why it’s illegal? Those parties have free speech, no obligation not to lie. Google can pay to advertise what they want, no? Curious which law it violated
Straddle_E_Do t1_iyc5yqy wrote
Where do the fines go? Who actually gets the 9.4 million dollars?
BytecodeBollhav t1_iyc62h2 wrote
False advertisement. I'm not American so I'm not sure exactly how the laws on false advertisement look, but if you read the article, this is the cited violation.
peon47 t1_iycc6xa wrote
Employees won't get the blame for this. If they're clever (and I assume head of marketting for Alphabet/Google is clever) they'll blame it on the process.
"Yes, this broke the law, but our marketting department aren't lawyers, and the process wasn't in place at the time to run influencer outreach by our legal department. I instituted a new policy so this can't happen any more. You gonna fire the guy who fixed this?"
hightechsolution t1_iyce06l wrote
Sony Xperia with a 4k screen the one I'm using with an SD card and a 3.5mm Jack
erix84 t1_iyce6eu wrote
I kinda miss my 4a! The fingerprint sensor on the back was so much better, and my battery lasted at least 25-30% longer!
bearpoopfoot t1_iyce787 wrote
Wow! Just wow
aintbroke_dontfixit t1_iycfqn5 wrote
So basically like every product shilled by social media influencers?
infinitum3d t1_iychb1k wrote
13.9 billion dollars in profits in 2021.
9.4 million is nothing to them.
infinitum3d t1_iychdas wrote
infinitum3d t1_iychk2v wrote
I have never known anyone to advertise for free.
sensible_tree t1_iyckzwk wrote
Cost of doing business
UncertainAdmin t1_iycmgeb wrote
That's insane lol
alcoholisthedevil t1_iycojim wrote
And who does the fine even go to?
RejZoR t1_iycovo6 wrote
Basically they paid "advertisers" 9.4 million bucks. That's not that much.
EntryParking t1_iycp7qr wrote
In this case? Over a paid testimonial?
Jorycle t1_iycpw9t wrote
Sure, but it's not about identifying whether an ad was paid for, it's about identifying ads. People are understandably not aware that most of what they see is an ad. Most product reviews are ads. Most "best X" articles are just ads. Most news articles about products are ads. Even on social media, a non-zero number of people's posts are just ads. Some of this is illegal, but even then the consequences are so low that we end up with articles like the above where Google pays next to nothing for the infraction.
Brandonmac10x t1_iycq7vz wrote
“I love my google pixel. I can surf the web, check my email, manage my music, and take pictures from one device. With google to organize it there’s nothing I can’t find. I’d be lost without this phone.” -sent from my iPhone
BaronMostaza t1_iycre90 wrote
Hope you like used implants and refurbished sex robots from the scrap heap because that's the best you might eventually afford
nutsotic t1_iycw9f9 wrote
Cost of doing business
JerryNicklebag t1_iycxmho wrote
Android blows…
1BigNephilim t1_iyd1di8 wrote
Damn. I'm actually on my pixel 4 still. They can pay me anytime.
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_iyd5g8z wrote
I disagree with the maths, personal pet peeve since affordability is not a linear scale. I'd say it's less than even half that.
squarefan80 t1_iydd781 wrote
yeah. gods forbid some reason, common sense and decency in lawmaking.
only half /s
Daedelous2k t1_iydi57j wrote
But first, it's ya boi raid shadow legends.
[deleted] t1_iydkcr1 wrote
infinitum3d t1_iydkf9m wrote
Agreed. But my rule of thumb is to assume that everything I read/hear is someone trying to influence me. Ergo: everything is an ad
ShankThatSnitch t1_iydqodb wrote
I did confirm, and you are wrong.
[deleted] t1_iydr57d wrote
ShankThatSnitch t1_iydrodi wrote
9,400,000 ÷ 69,000,000,000 = 0.000136
0.000136 × 100,000 = 13.623
13.623 ÷ 4 = 3.406
Take a moment and re-read the comment, and try and do your math again.
ShankThatSnitch t1_iydrxqt wrote
It's funny cause your are so arrogant, and assholish, and don't realize you are dumb.
DOGETHEEGOD t1_iydsvue wrote
This is the start of a series of embarrassing stories
BarrySix t1_iydypi9 wrote
This happened twice? All I can say is that's not my experience at all. But phones can go wrong. I had a LG V30 that was absolutely perfect in every single way except the camera would never focus. LG returns were a joke and never helped in any way.
400921FB54442D18 t1_iydzzqe wrote
Given that companies of all sizes have demonstrated that they're willing to resort to similar tactics, why does anyone still believe any claim in any advertising? The surest sign that any statement might be untrue is that it came from an advertiser's or marketer's mouth, pen, or keyboard.
Fragrant-Astronaut57 t1_iye67qz wrote
I’m confused. Isn’t this how all advertising has always worked?
forgotten_tomato t1_iyebbiy wrote
It's depressing to think about. The monkeys at the top exploit and uses the monkeys down below for their own benefit.
CocaineHammer t1_iyechdy wrote
Cost of doing business should put me in charge of fines they'd soon stop there shady stuff.
BluffJunkie t1_iy9jhra wrote
Paid to who...