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atoysruskid t1_ixnhuwt wrote

Cue conspiracy theorists claiming that there never were any protesters and it’s all a big hoax.


7Tribe t1_ixnibxg wrote

Could have used instead the faces of politicians from the party


Javerage t1_ixnr23r wrote

swaps face from one protester to another "Perfect, now no-one will know it's them."


InitechSecurity t1_ixnvpnv wrote

Is there a behind-the-scenes video of how they did it? Would be great to see the original and swapped faces and see how good the effect is. Please contact me at


CommercialHumble6402 t1_ixnvyx4 wrote

…and now someone on the street that accidentally resembles this AI face gets abducted and murdered. Nice…

Sometimes things like the blurred face or dark lighting, voice changing methods of the past would be just fine.


karma3000 t1_ixnxtnx wrote

I can just see Scotland Yard or MI 5 running their facial recognition software on the documentary:

"We have a problem old chap, none of these people are on our database. We must surveil the citizenry even more. More street cameras! Get onto that Zuckerberg fellow! Link up all the databases!"


Nexrosus t1_ixnzd10 wrote

This is really clever and cool


heckdditor t1_ixo6r0g wrote

If faces were swapped with real ones you are only changing the character. Worth nothing


Imaginary_Unit5109 t1_ixoulja wrote

This is great and more news media covering protests should do this or at least hide protestors faces.


JohnBsGhost t1_ixp152k wrote

Imagine a documentary on a figure like Nic Cage and everyone has a Nic cage AI face.


CodeMonkeyX t1_ixpejx4 wrote

All the original face owners are now in prison... :P


slappingactors t1_ixpkcc9 wrote

How do they know they wouldn’t inadvertently get anyone else in trouble? I would have at least made every face like that of a member of the Chinese government.


RapedByPlushies t1_ixpmykx wrote

Hiyaa! Why dey go put Uncle Roger face on someone else? Now people tink Uncle Roger protest in Hong Kong. The only ting Uncle Roger protest is how British people cook fry rice, because dat all dat matters to Uncle Roger.


AllahAndJesusGaySex t1_ixppasq wrote

Well and he protested that Tiananmen Square happened. Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. He deleted that video that he did with Strictly Dumpling because SD is outspoken about Tiananmen Square, and Uncle Roger is a CCP supporter.


Renegade7559 t1_ixpt8fn wrote

Should have made them all Winnie the Pooh


CallFromMargin t1_ixq0ygz wrote

You joke but I can assure you, they have files on every single person in the UK.

The other day I watched a podcast with FBI agent who destroyed Silk Road, and within 10 minutes the host was saying you wouldn't believe this but... Oh, I know, we know you are connected to creators of Tor, we have files on everyone and the host was like that was my PhD advisor's sisters friend's husband or some shit like that.


XxHavanaHoneyxX t1_ixsr8zl wrote

BBC edited out boos and replaced them with applause on Question Time. It’s state propaganda.