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Fusorfodder t1_ixqvm4j wrote

Disposing of radioactive waste from the moon would be exceptionally trivial. A bit of math and you can just hurl it right into a massive fusion incenerator.


TehSr0c t1_ixr6m31 wrote

You'd be surprised how much energy it actually takes to throw something into the sun


nucflashevent t1_ixtcscu wrote

First it requires 10x as much energy to slow down something in orbit until it falls into the sun.

It's honestly a non-issue as there's no reason not to use highly enriched U235/Plutonium fueled reactors like are used on U.S. Navy subs and carriers. They literally go 50+ years with no need for refueling/recycling installed fuel.

It's not like anyone is going to fly up to the moon and steal it lol.