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wordswontcomeout t1_ixylfas wrote

Graphene is out of the lab and be used extensively by a lot of private companies in battery tech and coating industries.


MartianSands t1_ixyoda9 wrote

Yeah, but not for bulk materials like this. It was touted as a super-strong material when it first hit the news, along with all it's other properties, but that's failed to materialise yet because we've had trouble making anything larger than flakes of it.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_ixz1apo wrote

Yeah, I've got a earbuds with graphene-coated drivers.

The graphene performs the important task of them being able to say, hey, there's graphene in them in the marketing material.


danielravennest t1_ixyrabi wrote

Right. Atomically perfect carbon fiber would be extremely strong, but no manufactured product is like that. Even if it were perfect in the factory, handling and exposure to the space environment would damage it.