Submitted by Vailhem t3_yydzrp in technology
[deleted] t1_iwug05q wrote
Reply to comment by mangofizzy in The Only Way the U.S. Can Win the Tech War with China by Vailhem
[deleted] t1_iwuvwes wrote
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iwvysof wrote
Name a country the CCP has invaded or bombed in the last 20 years.
Now make the same list for the US.
Get a grip on reality man.
PhoebusQ47 t1_iww2b6v wrote
You don’t need to when you have plenty of your own citizens to throw in concentration camps and ethnically cleanse.
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iww2jht wrote
IMO they are not as good at ethnic cleansing as we Americans are. They have a lot to learn. That's probably why they studied our model, just like the Nazis did.
Such amateurs. Eventually they will learn to criminalize modest behavior and then selectively enforce the laws against the minorities they want to target. Then convict them on nonviolent crimes so they can be used as legal slaves in the prison system. This is much easier to sell to a dumb uneducated public, so first they have to sabotage the education system for the poor and the outgroups.
PhoebusQ47 t1_iww2p9q wrote
I could not be rolling my eyes any harder.
Wake me up when you’ve got examples from this century. It’s 2022.
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iww35qc wrote
I just described the modern American prison industrial complex. It's not my fault you were intentionally undereducated so you wouldn't recognize it when it stares you in the face daily.
PhoebusQ47 t1_iww3eqw wrote
The prison industrial complex is a great example. It’s nothing in comparison to China, but it’s definitely a huge stain on our country.
Your whataboutism is on point, though.
My wife actually works with The Innocence Project, I assure you I am not unaware of these issues :) You might want to figure out why so much of your identity is tied up in the badness of America and the apparent “uneducatedness” of anyone who dares challenge you.
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iww493y wrote
Well they just haven't learned how to weaponize and commercialize it as effectively as the US has, but it's exactly the same. I don't know what your wife has to do with this. Plenty of people are married to idiots.
"You don’t need to when you have plenty of your own citizens to throw in concentration camps and ethnically cleanse."
You literally started with whataboutism honey.
I'm sure your wife will definitely never get tired of your gaslighting bullshit after coming home from working with people who were gaslit into incarceration.
Kyutsumi t1_iwvzpdj wrote
You cannot invade yourself. Also, stop meddling with other countries. It's none of your business.
Sufficient-Walk-4502 t1_iwz4w4s wrote
When The CCP is putting police stations in my country it is my problem.
Witty-Village-2503 t1_iwuvyjb wrote
Bro, what?
Did you forget about the war the USA started in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan only the latest US war to be driven by deceit and delusion
Kooky_Support3624 t1_iwvgo8r wrote
Even in that article, it says that Al'Qaida started that war. We never went to war with Afghanistan. Afghanistan as a state arguably never existed. The people of Afghanistan are tribal and only had warlords and religious leaders as institutions. We occupied territory to root out a terrorist organization, which was successful. The Taliban tried to harbor said terrorists, but our beef was never with them. Around 2010, our mission statement shifted from destroying Al'Qaida to leaving Afghanistan a better place than we left it, which came in the form of hospitals and schools. Then in 2012 to 2014 that expanded again to leaving them a functional government. The last bit is where we failed. But it was not a disaster for us, and the 2nd bit of whether or not they are better off from the 1990s is debatable, but mostly successful.
erosram t1_iwvmq6s wrote
Surprised to see a nuanced argument on Reddit. Usually it’s just the lowest info rage bait that gets clicks.
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iwvq6cp wrote
>Even in that article, it says that Al'Qaida started that war.
Fucking lol. What an easy mark.
[deleted] t1_iwvjgpf wrote
MasterpieceBrave420 t1_iwvph2e wrote
Uh oh, you made Americans confront the consequences of their inept and destructive foreign policy.
They are thin skinned jingoist children and they don't like that.
Witty-Village-2503 t1_iwvy90n wrote
For real...
Americans: it's not a war crime when we do it
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