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iprocrastina t1_j0q6vej wrote

Protip: If someone on social media or TV is telling you to invest in something, it's already too late to get in. Likewise, by the time any development that could affect stock price hits the news, it's already been factored in by the market.

Protip #2: No one will ever tell you about a legit opportunity because the more people who know the less money they'll make.

Protip #3: If you invest in something you know is a pump n' dump and you're not the guy running the pump n' dump, you're the sucker who's getting fleeced.


guynamedjames t1_j0qc28y wrote

You're telling me that crypto companies that hired celebrities to pitch crypto to me over Superbowl commercials aren't actually looking for ground floor investors?


BoxEngine t1_j0qe3tn wrote

Yeah people don’t understand that real “good tips” are just insider trading which obviously aren’t going to be shared out in the open


MoreThanWYSIWYG t1_j0r2cql wrote

You say this expecting people who fall for these scams have the ability to reason


TeaKingMac t1_j0rlfy1 wrote

>If someone on social media or TV is telling you to invest in something, it's already too late to get in.

Yeah, i got sucked into buying dogecoin back when it was at 0.32 by some acquaintances who bought it when it was fractions of a cent. Now it's at 0.07.

Wish I'd had 10 grand to put into bitcoin when it was 2k, and I was telling everyone I knew to buy.


truthinlies t1_j0rwstx wrote

Only way to truly beat the market is to have insider knowledge. So many other investors have some, if you're investing without it, you're at a major disadvantage.


what_dat_ninja t1_j0qe6mf wrote

I saw an early post about the Meltdown vulnerability on a security forum and invested heavily in AMD. Worked out pretty well.