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SardonicCatatonic t1_j22jw9h wrote

Now do Signal. Things politicians communicate should be on record.


hardolaf t1_j242ggp wrote

Signal is banned on government owned devices already. As are all other unauthorized applications.


Pholous t1_j24htou wrote

Why Signal? Is it confirmed to be spying?


SardonicCatatonic t1_j24nl9i wrote

I use signal. I love it. But it’s encrypted in a way that investigators can’t recover the data and supports disappearing messages. That shouldn’t be allowed for official government business. Lots of politicians are using it to talk about their dirty business outside of official archived channels.


SFLADC2 t1_j25gaeu wrote

Signal is fairly important in Congress for preventing international spying and to protect against rouge government agencies.

Either way it doesn't matter given Congress is exempt from FOIA, so you can't access their info regardless.


Helenium_autumnale t1_j238cfb wrote

People used Signal during the insurrection. All gov messaging should be visible.
