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HardlineMike t1_iyqukz2 wrote

>The US Air Force is planning to acquire at least 100 of the aircraft.

I always laugh at these estimates because don't they almost always acquire far fewer than they say they are going to? Or is that just the Navy?


Adorable-Slip2260 t1_iyqx21r wrote

During the period following the Soviet Union’s collapse when no peer military threat existed for twenty plus years yes that occurred. This is not the reality for current and future US military planning and acquisitions.


from-the-void t1_iys1va8 wrote

The B-2 was designed to take on the Soviets, but by the time it was completed the Soviet Union had collapsed, and Russia was seen as warming up to the west, so they reduced the orders. This bomber is designed to take on China and Russia, so it will probably be a much larger order.


RverfulltimeOne t1_iysuhb9 wrote

No thats everyone. They can only make X amount of month at full production then the political winds change and you get your numbers reduced. Since were blowing so much money anyhow I would just write a contract give Northrup 100% of the money up front with clauses on severe penalties should they not provide.

They won't do that though. We have a literal graveyard of programs just on the cusp of being produced, figured out or in actual production only for it to be halted. Take the F22 for instance.