Submitted by JeppeRitz t3_zkrn2i in technology
be-like-water-2022 t1_j01eb50 wrote
Any cap and black glasses will do the trick.
GivingMeAProblems t1_j01omkd wrote
Vice did this same article, with a different author on 1 Dec. Juggalos, CV Dazzle, the same ad agency. Weird
radialmonster t1_j020lx9 wrote
This is a shitty headline and article. The keyword here is Could. They have no idea if these faces would fool the system at the world cup. they dont even know if anyone at the world cup is using their face designs.
UrHellaLateB t1_j02k946 wrote
what is a Juggalo?
serenwipiti t1_j033ria wrote
It’s not really weird at all… more than one magazine can write about the same subject.
The ad agency (Virtue Worldwide) collaborated with Vice (and is part of Vice) to develop the patterns. Vice wrote an article about the process. Business Insider wrote an article about the concept and mentioned the ad agency responsible for the investigation.
They both mention the term CV Dazzle because that’s the topic: computer vision dazzle camouflage.
“CV Dazzle project” by artist Adam Harvey is also mentioned as an example.
They both mention Juggalos because there’s been recent trend of cases where Juggalos have avoided arrests due to avoiding identification thanks to their clown face paint patterns.
Not sure what’s weird about it.
Justme100001 t1_j01b1k3 wrote
You could fool an AI also at a Regional Cup, and with some luck even at a local one.