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[deleted] t1_j25b0v5 wrote

Who is deciding what “the point” is? There’s no big book in the sky saying “humans exist to develop technology so they can be advanced”. This unquestioned belief that our only purpose is to always technologically advance is now dogma. It’s unthinkable to imagine our “purpose” has any other course.


Mokebe890 t1_j25h4bi wrote

No one of course. Never said that this belief in unqueationed, jusr said that survival of the fittest long ago was a predictor of sucesfull species. If we stagnate we wont adapt and will just fall of the train. Now it may be something else than technology but i personally see only technology, yoy can show me otherwise.


[deleted] t1_j25lov2 wrote

Every technology that’s been invented has a major downsides. Vaccines and medical advances (technology) raised life expectancy to new heights. But now people live longer, stay in jobs longer, own their houses longer. Developed nations have too many old people and not enough resources for the young. It’s not just a housing crisis. It’s how are we going to keep paying for these old people (me included) in their later years with fewer and fewer young people paying into the system? Economies begin to stagnate and quality of life starts to go down.

Another example is the paradox of efficiency. You might say we just need more and better tech to maximize our energy use. But the paradox of efficiency says whatever new capacity gets created from new efficiencies quickly gets consumed and you’re back to overusing a given resource.

Not saying technology is bad. I’m just saying the blind faith that it’s the only answer is no different than believing in god.