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AutumnAscending t1_iz3n54b wrote

I feel like I downloaded the wrong app the Lensa app I have does nothing like these people are posting.


SpaceShark01 t1_iz3qhor wrote

Ok? Way too many people don’t understand how this tech works and also little privacy they have.


sephy009 t1_iz3qlwl wrote

Apps like this are likely using stable diffusion with some mediocre settings. There are better sites/programs for this unless you're incredibly lazy. If you don't apply the correct settings and keywords its just spitting out random junk it "thinks" is similar.


paultron10110 t1_iz3qzh5 wrote

My wife said all her friends were doing it and was going to try it until she had to pay... After some quick googling I learned they're just using stable diffusion. here is a link to a decent video that helped me quickly set up a training session and create the same pictures as Lensa, with better control, free, and someone else doesn't learn what you look like lol. Also it uses Google colab which is online and works if you don't have a high end graphics card. You can then download the resulting trained file and run it as much as you want.


PrometheusOnLoud t1_iz3s9z4 wrote

Not that long ago, people scraping the internet for personal photos to train their AI with was considered taboo.


druidofnecro t1_iz3soy8 wrote

So basically like every other app on the internet


spoollyger t1_iz3st5x wrote

Who’s photos are they suppose to use?


ThumYorky t1_iz3u1i6 wrote

I will say, though, if you don’t care about the privacy concerns and want to try it once, $3.99 to to have all that work done for you and wind up with 50 pictures is a pretty good deal IMO. I happen to have way too many selfies/pictures of myself and the results were absolutely incredible.

I did 50 images of myself and also selected female (I’m a guy), so most of the end results were quite femme. What blew my mind though was that one of the pictures looks identical to my sister (who looks like like me). Super freaky, and yeah, not very private, but like I said I’m pretty lax on that stuff


bledig t1_iz3uv13 wrote

do you have a standard white man/woman look? it looks better if you are because they have a bigger library of those to compose from. My white gouteed nice hair caucasian friend had amazing photos. and even more when he did second time

i am south east asian and mine is just ok (1-2 good) but they lean a lot on making me "more east asian" lol.


DeasProtege t1_iz3uzjr wrote

I used it, out of 100 photos, 5 came out looking really good and just like me 😌


Early_Accident2160 t1_iz3v8q4 wrote

when Skynet takes over , I don’t want them to think I put them to work.


ApatheticWithoutTheA t1_iz3vc3t wrote

I’m not paying them $12 for an AI avatar. Nobody told me that before I downloaded it.


jmanly3 t1_iz4238q wrote

To make…? I’m confused how you fucked up the title so badly. It’s a simple copy/paste job and you weren’t even close


MiCK_GaSM t1_iz4aj1y wrote

I hope this makes AI better with hands.


Apocrisiary t1_iz4ddt4 wrote

Seems like the AI just produces one half, mirrors it, then make some slight adjustments. Interesting.

Makes sense though, saves time and work.


gurenkagurenda t1_iz4edzd wrote

Just a PSA if you’re trans and that “pick your gender” thing sounds intriguing: be ready for a more complicated emotional impact than you might expect. I’m not saying not to do it, but make sure you’re in a good place first. The mix of gender dysphoria and euphoria I felt from seeing some of my images was a lot more than I was prepared for. YMMV, but at least know that there’s a risk. I had to lie down for a while.

Edit: I wonder what was going through of the heads of the people who downvoted this and made it controversial. Is it just transphobia? I'm trying to look out for other trans folks and help them make sure they're not stepping into an emotional experience they're not prepared for. What about that makes someone think "I'm gonna downvote this"?


sim-hae t1_iz6c9kh wrote

Why do my magic avatars look really crappy tho? They're just my selfies but with a bit of an artsy filter and not the whole image like with cool background? Is it the source photos themselves that are the problem?


Badmuhfucha t1_iz6iy22 wrote

I'm curious how it plays out for bald people. Or with head accessories, since 80% of my selfie feature me in a ballcap.


snowyshards t1_iz6ljnx wrote

Why is the AI art movement so predatory? They take your data without any permision or use legal loopholes to get around.

They tried to do this with music but the music industry threatened them with a lawsuit, they only doing this with artists because they are not as powerful.


germr t1_iz79r4x wrote

I will give it a try.


startingtohail t1_iz9hnom wrote

i was contemplating selecting "other" or "male" out of curiosity-- do you know the different "styles" it uses based on that selection? I cannot find a list anywhere, and would love to see examples before pursuing that. Most people I've seen are only posting a couple from their results. Thanks!


gurenkagurenda t1_iz9prt6 wrote

The styles I got for female were "Fantasy", "Fairy Princess", "Focus", "Stylish", "Pop", "Anime", "Light", "Kawaii", "Iridescent", and "Cosmic". I don't know what the male and "other" ones are.

But the effect of that setting goes beyond the style. I got a few images that look roughly like me, a bunch that look nothing like me (I think that's just standard), and then a significant number that looked like you artfully turned down the slider on every feature I feel self-conscious about. That last category was the one that really fucked with my head, although I will say that after a day or so, I feel a lot more comfortable with these images.


regedor t1_izg6p9p wrote

It's clear that marketing plays a huge role in success. Last month, many services were created offering the same service, but they were mainly discussed between technical people on Twitter. I myself started the UnrealMe. Art, we go the extra mile when it comes to the quality of our images, providing more pictures and more prompt variety. If the user asks us I add some manual editing work, jointly with a few extra ML technics, to make the images better quality and more unique. Unfortunately (for independent entrepreneurs like me), Lensa made a big splash with their marketing campaign and quickly took over Instagram. Unless people research further, they likely don't know about these other services offering better results.


bledig t1_izi2obd wrote

Hah!!! That’s really curious!!!!!

Because my really observant arty friend noticed some of his features of his beard and hair is picked up by the AI that nobody notices. Like a swirl, a patch and an annoying wave that he can’t get out

Maybe u do have Asian features somewhere hehe

$8? Did you get the right app? It is Lensa. You need to subscribe then pick 10-20 photos in magic avatars. Then u get 50 photos in 8 categories. Is this the right one?