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Representative_Pop_8 t1_j1ei3t8 wrote

>Humans like to make a point which comes out in writing either explicitly or subtly. Not so with AI which is, from what I can tell, always “some people say X, other people say Y, so the important thing to know is that there is more than one way of looking at this.”

i am not sure if this is specific to AI or to current implementation of gptchat. it is obvious they have tried to make it sterile on purpose to avoid uncomfortable responses, and there are clearly some hardwired protections against some type of responses. they seem to want it to avoid showing creativity, anything that could make people think it is conscious or has ideas of its own or inventing new stuff( when pressed I have seen it does have some of that though still not at human level) , and then legal precautions on anything that would cause trouble if you base your actions on the AI's response.


cafffaro t1_j1emfb0 wrote

That could be the case! Good points.